Gov. Screw Up Temporarily Legalizes MDMA and Crystal Meth in Ireland
Hudson Hongo · 03/10/15 07:15PMScientists Say Horse Tranquilizers are Good for the Soul
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/10/14 11:40PMBeauty Queen Filmed Showing 5-Year-Old Boy How to Snort Special K
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/03/13 01:01PMSuper Powerful Club Drug Cures Depression Instantly
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 11:23AM
Neuropsychiatric researchers say that although traditional antidepressants can take weeks to work, depressed patients who are given BANANAS 'PAUSE BUTTON ON YOUR BRAIN' K-HOLE-INDUCING CLUB DRUG KETAMINE A.K.A. SPECIAL K feel relief from their depression "almost instantly." But could huge shots of heroin combined with a baseball bat to the head be equally effective? Ketamine-receiving patients say [just stares at the wall].