
Tire Sealant

Max Read · 05/06/10 02:12AM

[An irritated sea lion pup spent four hours hiding underneath a San Diego police car before being pulled out by Sea World animal care specialist Kevin Robinson. It will be released within two months. Pic via AP]

Anna Wintour to Oprah: 'Lose Some Weight, Fatass!'

The Cajun Boy · 05/20/09 06:15AM

Anna Wintour told Oprah that she needed to drop at least twenty pounds to be featured on the cover of Vogue and Chase Crawford is set to star in the remake of Footloose.

Tabloids Lose Seemingly Easy Way To Defame Britney Spears

mark · 11/07/06 12:21PM

In what is certain to be a landmark decision enabling the tabloid media to tie virtually any sluttily marketed celebrity presence to participation in possibly nonexistent amateur sex productions with their poorly chosen partners, a judge has ruled that Britney Spears can't be defamed by rumors that she has participated in the video documentation of the earliest, most penetrative stages of the baby-making process with vaguely vampiric househusband Kevin Federline, letting Us Weekly off the hook for their story that the couple feared the release of a tape featuring their erotic adventures. Chastiseth Lady Justice, offended that Spears thinks she has a reputation to damage: