
Want to write about Google for the Wall Street Journal? The job's open

Owen Thomas · 04/02/08 07:40PM

Kevin Delaney, the Wall Street Journal's Google and Yahoo beat reporter, is decamping from the Valley to New York to take a deputy editor gig at, we hear. A perk of the job: Getting to disclose Google's business relationships with Journal parent company News Corp. in every story.

WSJ reporters tweak new boss

Nicholas Carlson · 10/19/07 12:45PM

The way News Corp. monarch Rupert Murdoch manipulates his many newspapers is enough to make Charles Foster Kane blush. It's one reason integrity-laden Wall Street Journal reporters lobbied against his takeover bid. But now it seems the mockingly self-righteous crew is starting to revel in their deal with the Aussie devil.

The Valley's most dreaded job, YouTube watcher

Mary Jane Irwin · 08/08/07 02:05PM

Big media companies like Viacom, constrained by the limits of copyright law and Google's recalcitrance, are forced to pay companies like Los Gatos-based BayTSP, which specializes in snooping file sharers and protecting copyrights, to slog through YouTube's bloated index searching for infringements. That makes for a solid eight-hour day for BayTSP's "video analysts." Contracts prevent employees from discussing their tedium with friends and family, but they were allowed to open up to a Wall Street Journal reporter in the clip above.