Yes, Obama Is Gutless on the Keystone Pipeline
Hamilton Nolan · 04/23/14 01:50PMState Department Finds Keystone XL Won't Hurt Environment or Help Economy
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 03/02/13 02:05PM
The State Department released its report yesterday on the environmental impact of constructing the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. It found that the massive pipeline is "unlikely to have a substantial impact on the rate of development in the oil sands," meaning that Canada will most likely proceed with developing the Alberta tar sands whether the pipeline is built or not, and it ultimately won't contribute to global warming.
So Long, You Filthy Canadian Tar Pipeline
Jim Newell · 01/18/12 01:34PM
Congressional Republicans forced the Obama administration to expedite its decision on constructing the Keystone XL pipeline late last year, and today they're getting their answer: No Keystone XL pipeline. Our president has abandoned the oppressed Canadian tar sands, who only ever wanted a one-way ticket to Texas and the chance for a freer, more refined life.