
Baby's First Swear Word

Matt Cherette · 03/17/11 10:24PM

Do you remember your first word? I can't recall mine, though I do know that my little sister's was "Duck." For baby Ellie—the star of this video—however, her utterance is a bit more... ah, f*ck it, just watch.

This Little Girl Is Not a Fan of Grapefruit Juice

Matt Cherette · 01/12/11 02:53PM

This video is cute—well, it's cute in a "Did that little girl just get possessed by Satan?" way. Anyway! This is Penny. Because Penny's parents are horrible, they decided to feed her grapefruit juice and film the results.

This Toddler Is Addicted to Angry Birds

Matt Cherette · 12/10/10 03:00PM

Ayden is two-years-old; therefore, he should care about nothing but candy and pooping, right? Nope! Because Ayden's addicted to Angry Birds, and not even a bribe of candy can make him loosen his grip of his dad's phone. Watch inside.

Adorable Kid Really Wants His Nose Back

Matt Cherette · 12/08/10 04:48PM

For your Wednesday edition of, "BAWWWWW!" we've got not an animal video, but one featuring a real live human—two, in fact: a father who "steals" his son's nose, and the little boy, who adorably—and repeatedly—asks for it back.

Watch a Girl Age 10 Years in 90 Seconds

Matt Cherette · 12/02/10 04:09PM

Meet 12-year-old Natalie. If you don't want to meet Natalie at 12, how about at 10? Or four? Or 18 months? Or birth? Because you can, by watching this time-lapse featuring one photo of her a day for 10 years.

Watch a Dog Make a Little Girl Fly (and Fall)

Matt Cherette · 10/22/10 01:49PM

So, videos of children being hurt aren't funny (except that they are, sometimes), but I bet you'll have a hard time not laughing at this. Watch a little girl yell, "Go!" to her dog, which he does. Then, she flies/falls.