Blueprint of a Subway Shooting
Andy Cush · 05/12/15 11:41AM
Brooklyn district attorney Ken Thompson announced last week that he would not seek to file charges against 69-year-0ld Willie Groomes, who fatally shot 32-year-old Gilbert Drogheo in the Borough Hall subway station on March 10. Thompson’s office declined to elaborate on its reasoning beyond a brief statement saying, “While the death of this young man was indeed tragic, we cannot prove any charge of homicide beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Woman Who Allegedly Killed American in Mall Bathroom Had Other Targets
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/04/14 11:46PMCrazy Motherfucker Bashed 1,000 Chickens to Death With Golf Club
Dayna Evans · 10/01/14 05:29PMTennessee Man Kills Woman and Eats Part of Her Corpse
Aleksander Chan · 06/10/14 05:43PM
Police in Tennessee have arrested 37-year-old Gregory Scott Hale after he confessed to having murdered, dismembered, and consumed part of a woman he had met a day earlier. He committed the murder, he told investigators, in his parent's house, where he lives. Police have identified the woman as Lisa Marie Hyder.
Chicago's Shootings Didn't Happen In a Movie Theater, But It's Still the World's Deadliest City
Cord Jefferson · 08/14/12 03:56PM
Two months before alleged killer James Holmes stormed a Colorado movie theater, murdering 12 and injuring dozens more, police and politicians in a different place were trying to squelch the tremors from their own mass killing. It was in Chicago, over Memorial Day weekend, when police responded to more than 40 shooting victims in about 72 hours. Ten of those victims were shot dead, including four teenage children. Alas, despite the fact that more people died that weekend than in both the August 5 Sikh killings and yesterday's College Station shootings combined, there will be no flags at half-staff for those 10 Chicagoans. It's likely you didn't even know those people were dead, just like most of your friends and family. In a summer of now three much-lamented shootings with multiple victims, Chicago's murdered are the forgotten ones.
Where Does Self Defense End? Killer of Robber Convicted of Murder
Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/11 09:09AMIn May of 2009, Oklahoma City pharmacist Jerome Ersland was at work when two teenagers came in to rob his store. What happens is caught on the surveillance video above:
Hollywood Publicist's Murder Planned in Advance
Max Read · 11/19/10 02:57AMMontana Wildlife Officials Euthanize Black Bear for Acting Like a Bear
Jeff Neumann · 09/19/10 12:32PMTrailer Parks Decidedly More Terrifying Places After Today
Foster Kamer · 08/29/09 05:30PMRob Lowe Demonstrates His Commitment To The Environment By Murdering Bird With Golf Ball
seth · 06/06/07 04:10PM
Early celebrity sex tape innovator Rob Lowe once again finds himself at the center of unwelcome controversy, as a well-intentioned round of golf at the Principal Charity Classic Pro-Am in Des Moines has resulted in the the Brothers and Sisters star committing unpremeditated goldfinchicide. His shot struck and killed not just a bird, but the state bird of Iowa: