
Wikipedia conference to be held at the Library of Alexandria

Megan McCarthy · 11/09/07 05:26PM

Alexandria, Egypt, will be the host of next year's Wikimania 2008 conference, a gathering of Wikimedia volunteers and the open-source fanatics who create the wiki software. Why Egypt? According to a Wikimedia spokesperson, Alexandria was nominated by volunteers and chosen over other considered cities Toronto and Atlanta. Why? No doubt the chance to associate the Wikipedia brand with the legendary Library of Alexandria, once the largest repository of knowledge in the civilized world. Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales will be on hand to provide the Keynote address, which the spokeswoman claimed would be "a dynamic event" and very "passionate and involved." Jimmy, we hope, you'll be dressed to impress. You would look fabulous with scarab amulets and kohl-lined eyes. Way better, at least, than those old kimonos.

Kimono sighting!

Chris Mohney · 02/23/07 10:20AM

In the Business 2.0 article referenced earlier regarding Bubble 2.0, we only skimmed the gallery of 25 startups to watch. Fortunately, a return unearthed the entry on Wikia, which features hot Jimmy Wales kimono action! Co-founder Angela Beesley wonders where her kimono is. So sad.