
Archaeological Intrigue Surrounds Exhumation of Possible English Monarch

Mallory Ortberg · 12/15/12 05:00PM

There is no form of intrigue more delicious than archaeological intrigue, and this story is just riddled with it: royal exhumations, parking lots, anonymous sources, whiffs of conspiracy and official denials. Select your finest knife and heftiest fork; draw a damask napkin over your lap, and prepare to tuck in.

Kings Is Dead, Long Live Kings!

Richard Lawson · 04/07/09 01:47PM

Well, exit the Kings. NBC has moved its lush, sweeping, and increasingly good dramatic experiment from its valuable Sunday night slot to Saturdays, where it will play out its remaining eight episodes, then die. Sad.

Kings: Beautiful and Bold, with a Little Gay Problem

Richard Lawson · 03/16/09 11:58AM

If you felt a rush of orange light, pretty boys and butterflies last night, it wasn't spring knocking at your door. It was NBC's Kings, which despite its turgid premiere is a show worth saving.

The Gay Prince of New York

Richard Lawson · 02/24/09 10:38AM

In Kings, NBC's bizarre-looking show about modern-day royalty in alternate-reality New York, the prince, whose life is saved by a lowly commoner, can't inherit his father's kingdom. Because he's a big old gay person.

Little French Comedy To Be Drained Of All Charm By Will Smith

Seth Abramovitch · 05/20/08 03:20PM

· Will Smith will produce the U.S. version of Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, a little French comedy sleeper about a post office manager banished to the boonies. "There are only 65 million people who live in France, and $191 million seemed to defy all logic," explained producer Ken Stovitz, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and passing clear out as he did some quick calculations and came up with an opening weekend domestic total of $1.2 billion. [Variety]
· John Grisham's novel Playing For Pizza, about a slice of pizza who gets recruited by a high-power law firm only to find itself caught up in a web of corruption and intrigue and eventually eaten by a hungry sanitation worker, has been optioned by Phoenix Pictures. [THR]
· John Woo will tackle 1949—a "a big budget romancer," that is not, to our knowledge, a sequel to the 1979 Steven Spielberg film picking up eight years into the high-flying adventures of Cpt. Wild Bill Kelso and friends. [Variety]