
Matt Drudge's Latest "Knockout Game" Falls Apart in Strange Fashion

Adam Weinstein · 01/10/14 06:07PM

When two black men were accused of assaulting a white couple on the Charlottesville, Virginia, mall last month, the right-wing shriek machine immediately seized on the incident as the latest "knockout game" attack—a Drudge-fed race panic in which feral black youth are purportedly sucker-punching nice white people around the nation without reason or warning. But local law enforcement now says that the men were in fact incited by a verbal confrontation with the couple—a confrontation some witnesses say was related to their gayness.

Cord Jefferson · 11/25/13 02:45PM

About that "Knockout Game" from your uncle's chain email: "[P]olice officials in several cities where such attacks have been reported said that the 'game' amounted to little more than an urban myth, and that the attacks in question might be nothing more than the sort of random assaults that have always occurred."