
Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/08/16 04:40PM

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has reportedly banned his daughter, a founding member of the “Snapchat Bunch,” or whatever, from using social media after he discovered she had been leaving rude comments on an Instagram account belonging to 500 Days of Kristin creator Allie Jones. Dads—they have neither chill, nor the ability to find their daughters’ backup accounts.

Hooker's Myspace Friend May Have Pissed Her Off

hwalker · 03/16/08 11:15AM

"Mysterious" the Queens rapper who starred in a music video with Ashley Alexandra Dupré, recently appeared on the Today Show and Access Hollywood to "defend" his friend. "Mysterious" told the Today Show gang that he and Ashley are "tight like a family," but Myspace messages sent from "Mysterious" to Dupré last night indicate that Eliot Spitzer's favorite high priced hooker didn't ask him to hit the talk show circuit on her behalf. In fact, it sounds like she might be pretty pissed off about the whole thing. In the message "Mysterious" indicates that he hasn't heard from Ashley in a while despite repeated attempts to get in touch. He also tells Ashley: "i hope you feel we helped you more then hurt you in speaking out." Wow, apparently sometimes media whores do feel dirty afterwards.