
Cooking With Kurt

Jesse · 07/18/05 07:44AM

Kurt Andersen's recipe for fried sage leaves, courtesy of yesterday's Times Magazine:

Radar vs. The Believer

Gawker · 04/30/03 05:36PM

Tim from Traveler's Diagram compares-and-contrasts The Believer and Radar:
idea of a good time...
Blvr: Reading the William T. Vollmann oeuvre
Rdr: Mohitos with Monica
Blvr: Wes Anderson
Rdr: Kurt Andersen
could be called...
Blvr: Off-the-Radar
Rdr: The Non-Believer
Believer vs. Radar [Traveler's Diagram]
[Disclosure: I'm now writing for Radar. So, uh...yeah. I like it. It's the closest thing I can find to my beloved SPY. Tim, however, disagrees.]

Kurt Andersen interview

Gawker · 04/25/03 11:55AM

In case you missed the Rake's interview with SPY co-founder and Studio 360 host Kurt Andersen, I'll summarize:
The Rake: Spy, Spy, Spy.
Andersen: Yes, Spy.
The Rake; Spy, Spy...Spy?
Andersen: Well, Spy. Spy Spy, and then Spy. But Spy.
The Rake: Really? So, Spy Spy Spyyyyyy, Spy?
Andersen: "Spy," he said ironically.
There's also something about a SPY retrospective with co-founder Graydon Carter (he of geometric haircut.)
Q&A with Kurt Andersen [The Rake via Romenesko]

Says Kurt Andersen

Gawker · 03/24/03 10:39AM

A profile of Gawker, and Elizabeth Spiers, in The Observer. "I like Gawker because it's funny and smart, and because it gets out a lot more than I do, so I can live vicariously through it" — Kurt Anderson of Spy, New York Magazine, and Inside.com.
On the verge [Observer Magazine]

The war is ruining my lovely dinner party

Gawker · 03/06/03 01:43PM

The Observer examines the polarizing effects of the Iraq debate on social life in Manhattan. Personally, I'm inclined to agree with Gawker interviewee Neal Pollack's line of thinking on the issue, which is basically, "Nobody gives a shit what anti-war or pro-war writers think. Really. So shut up. That goes double for poets. Shut the hell up, poets. Everybody just shut up." But that never works. In my experience, someone always brings it up, and usually in such a way that you want to scream at them regardless of their position. Apparently, this isn't unique. "I've had shouting arguments on both sides," said [Kurt] Andersen. "Frankly and sincerely on both sides, because of the way the other person has drawn the line." Chris Buckley adds, "My idea of a good time is not a screaming argument over the cr me br l e over the Iraqi civilian casualties."
The unquiet Americans [Observer]

The GQ succession race

Gawker · 02/26/03 11:05AM

Have they no decency? Quicker than Art Cooper's tears can dry, the media commentators are handicapping the race to succeed him as editor of GQ. Keith Kelly is offering odds.
· Dylan Jones, editor-in-chief of British GQ: 2-to-1 favorite
· David Zinczenko of Men's Health, although he's taken himself out of the running: 5-to-1
· Michael Hirschorn, past editor of Spin: 10-to-1
· Kurt Andersen, resting at public radio: 35-to-1
· David Kamp, a VF editor: 35-to-1
· Maer Roshan, if Radar doesn't fix: 50-to-1
· Glenda Bailey of Harpers, because SALTYT thinks it's time a lad's mag had a woman editor.

Launch party, the sequel: Kurt Andersen

Gawker · 02/12/03 12:05PM

I have a minor obsession with Spy magazine circa 1988. I don't remember the exact details of my conversation with Kurt Andersen (Spy co-founder with Graydon Carter and Studio 360 host) but I think it may have gone something like this:
Me: "Spy, Spy, Spy! Spy, I love Spy, Spy, Spy, Spyyyyyyyyyy, Spy. Romenesko. Did I mention Spy?"
Andersen: "Um, yes." (Shifts uncomfortably.)
Me, later, to a friend: "I was briefly thinking of becoming a more overt media whore and getting 'Kurt Andersen reads my blog' tattoed on my forehead. Would that be 'over-the-top'?" (Friend shifts uncomfortably.)

An Eiffel tower for New York

Gawker · 01/11/03 04:35PM

Paul Goldberger of the New Yorker, in conversation with Kurt Andersen, calls for a broadcast tower on the Twin Towers site, one as ambitious as the Eiffel tower was in its day. Listen to the interview; here's an excerpt:

Space Pussy

Gawker · 09/04/02 03:53PM

Kurt Andersen, on Andrew Sullivan's blog: "I derive some tiny but real pleasure in knowing, for instance, as a result...

New York media party

Gawker · 05/01/02 01:19AM

The first media party since I arrived in New York, the Slate event at which Jacob Weisberg was unveiled as...


Gawker · 03/12/02 05:01AM

For the next few days or weeks or as long as I feel so inclined, I will be answering "Frequently Asked Questions" for those of you who may be new to Gawker. The first five are below. Submit new questions to editorial@gawker.com.