
Tim Faulkner · 12/12/07 07:37PM, the company behind, egoblogger Robert Scoble's favorite drive-while-you-film-yourself lifecasting site, has raised $5.6 million from Spain's Telefonica. No wonder Scoble is yet to confirm that he'll be working at Fast Company come January. [NewTeeVee]

"I should redesign my blog, but I'm playing with video instead"

Tim Faulkner · 08/30/07 06:25PM

Robert Scoble, ostensible PodTech videoblogger, is at it again: Armed with magic marker and whiteboard, he plots the "blog of the future" — on video, alas, not in an actual blog post. His dream features for the uberblog boil down to two categories: First, visual elements and themes readily available today, no time machine required, but Scoble, not "a pretty expert HTMLer," can only draw imaginary boxes to represent them. Second, a utopian merger of Facebook, blogs, and desktop apps that we've already heard about before from Scoble. Along the way, Scoble uses a few books from his desk and swooshing sound effects to simulate Apple's popular Cover Flow media-browsing technology. And from this, we learn that PodTech hasn't gotten him an eraser for his beloved whiteboard. We were spared the hour Scoble could spend "just talking about comments" — thank you. Oh, and his readers are still complaining about his use of video and The full, and fully unwatchable, video after the jump.

One small problem, Scoble's readers hate

Tim Faulkner · 08/29/07 02:43PM

Videoblogger Robert Scoble's future employer may well turn out to be, the website for which he's dumped ostensible paycheck-issuer PodTech to carry his video screeds. but there's one small problem with this plan: The loyal readers of his Scobleizer blog hate Kyte. Moreover, they claim Scoble is losing his way. They want the old Scoble back — the blogger who actually, you know, wrote blog posts. They want full text that they can scan, consistent with Scoble's diehard stance in favor of full-text blog feeds, rather than sitting through minutes of pointless video.

Is Scoble dumping PodTech for

Tim Faulkner · 08/29/07 01:43PM

Updated below. Why is Robert Scoble, videoblogger, using the immature, unstable website to host his latest videos, when he's a vice president of PodTech, a rival video venture with its own video-hosting infrastructure? Isn't that a bit like Valleywag's Megan McCarthy, say, cracking jokes on Julia Allison's blog when she should be filing party reports for Valleywag? Clearly, PodTech is going under, and Scoble needs to keep his options open. His delusion that he can work anywhere he wants has been dashed — his dream job at Facebook doesn't appear to exist. Jason Calacanis's Mahalo may be a perfect match, but we suspect that Kyte is Scoble's emergency backup. Scoble even hints at such, telling readers, "I'll have more to say about Podtech soon."