
Your Pay Is About to Go Up

Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/16 02:30PM

If you make less than $50,000 per year, you will soon be entitled to overtime pay. “Me?” you wonder, glancing around with uncertainty. Yes: You.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/16 04:41PM

Vice Media editorial staffers have officially ratified their first union contract, which gives them substantial raises, severance pay, and other benefits. The vote was 73-2.

The Misery of Adjunct Professors Keeps Higher Education Booming

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/16 11:30AM

Being an adjunct professor at a college may be the job with the single biggest discrepancy between the (high) education level required to hold it and the (astoundingly low) level of pay. How long until this system blows up?

Airbnb Is Not the Big Enemy of Labor. Uber Is.

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/16 10:00AM

“The sharing economy is here!” we are frequently advised. “We must devise a new labor deal for a new century!” we are warned. So why is making a deal between Airbnb and unions so fucking hard?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/16 07:45AM

After working without a contract for more than eight months, 39,000 union Verizon workers in the Northeast are on strike. Support them by not wasting your life looking at screens. It’s a beautiful day outside.

Rahm Emanuel Secretly Spent Night After Chicago Teachers' Strike Enjoying "Hamilton" on Broadway

Jordan Sargent · 04/05/16 02:40PM

Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel has a long list of enemies. Near the top is the Chicago Teachers Union, with which he’s feuded for his entire tenure as mayor. This past Friday, the union staged a one-day strike, closing schools across the city in order to draw attention to their latest round of negotiations with the city, which wants the teachers to accept cuts to pay, staffing, and budgets.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/16 04:15PM

Tomorrow, the Chicago Teachers Union will hold a one-day walkout to protest budget cuts, pay, and contract issues. “It has been death by a thousand cuts,” one teacher says. “But recently it’s felt more like, I don’t know, chopping off our arms.”

Will This Guy Be Hillary's VP? 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/16 12:44PM

If Hillary Clinton secures the Democratic nomination, who will be her vice president? I have no idea. Some people think: Tom Perez.