
Caroline Kennedy Going On SNL?

Ryan Tate · 01/30/09 07:53AM

Starbucks jobs are now reserved for Yale grads; the rest of us have to try and obtain menial but absurd positions with Kanye West.

Celebrity Magazine Editors Aren't as Good at Controlling Their Press as Celebrities

Richard Lawson · 11/30/08 02:51PM

Following the New York Times' non-bombshell "exposé" about how Angelina Jolie expertly controls her image and weaseled People magazine into only running good coverage on her and her family, People fired back denying everything. And, yawn, now the whole non-issue has carried over to Washington Post sadsack Howard Kurtz's CNN show Reliable Sources. Kurtz spoke with people like an Extra junket correspondent who basically said what we all knew: that every celebrity blurb is heavily padded and protected and handled. Duh. Let's not treat frigging press junkets like some serious journalistic endeavor. They are the exact opposite. People editor Larry Hackett was on too, and he made only one thing clear:

Doree Shafrir · 07/06/07 08:45AM

The issue of People with Paris Hilton on the cover sold more than 1.5 million copies at the newsstand and, reportedly, was one of the magazine's top 10 sellers so far this year. If that's true, then People executive editor Larry Hackett sure does sound tepid about it: "I'm pleased. It came in right where it was supposed to be." [WWD]