Morgue Nearly Rejects Lindsay Lohan: Two Hours Late to Work
Maureen O'Connor · 10/20/11 01:10PMKirstie Alley's Bodacious Bod and Brutal Honesty
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/16/10 03:45PMKirstie Alley overshared with Late Late Show host Craig Ferguson, saying their substance abuse histories made them a perfect match. Craig's cocaine sympathies led to a pep talk wherein he suggested Kirstie get over her image issues to find fulfillment.
The Late Night Wars Continue: The Video Clips You Missed Last Night
Whitney Jefferson · 01/19/10 09:37AMPage Six Discovers Facebook, Celebrity Hate Groups
Foster Kamer · 09/05/09 09:30AMEmily Gould · 12/06/07 10:45AM

"In 2005 the Southeast-based jewelry chain Mayors marketed diamond earrings with the tag line, 'She delivered your first born; now give her twins.' Fortunoff, the jewelry and gift chain with a Fifth Avenue flagship, established a push present registry six months ago." So, um, why is there a story about this "trend" (giving the mother of your child a baby bonus) now? Shouldn't Styles be on to the next big thing, like 'D&C dispensations' or 'Holy shit your period finally came honorariums'?