
Facing Murdoch Menace, 'Pursuits' Valiantly Soldiers On With Gifts For Mom

Jon · 05/06/07 03:44PM

With a courage not witnessed in these parts since the Queen and Winston Churchill and Rudy Giuliani saved London during the Blitz, this weekend's Pursuits section shows the rest of the WSJ how to go on living with editorial integrity even as the barbarians near the gates. Indeed, "happily married...but not to each other" assistant managing editors Alan Murray and Laura Landro submit another hard-hitting "He Shops, She Shops" gift advice column, this time for the occasion of Mother's Day. Oh NO! Is today Mother's Day?! Nope, that's next weekend. But, no matter. One senses that pleasing Mom is mostly about thumbing a nose at abusive megalomaniac potential Stepdad — that is to say, Rupert Murdoch.