This $1,000-an-Hour White-Shoe Lawyer Will Also Heal You With Crystals
Max Read · 08/27/13 09:15AMTime to Bring Bankruptcy Back for Student Loan Debt
Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/13 12:02PMThanks to some misguided moral philosophy and some excellent lobbying work, it is now almost impossible to discharge your student loans in bankruptcy. They haunt you forever, like the souls of those you've killed. As our national student loan debt balloons further into crisis territory, it become ever clearer that we need to change that rule.
A Housing Crisis Solution Sure to Panic Wall Street
Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 02:07PMThere is no better illustration of the disconnect between our economy's winners and losers than the California real estate market. The winners are bidding up Silicon Valley home prices and resurrecting the house-flipping craze. The losers are just trying to hold their cities together under a wave of mortgage defaults. Is there a solution?
Telling Your Professor She's Sexy Is Not Legally Protected Speech
Hamilton Nolan · 07/24/13 01:40PMHamilton Nolan · 07/18/13 11:51AM
A law degree will, on average, earn you an extra $1 million over the course of your miserable lifetime.
Man Accused Of Sending Employee Illustrated, Laminated Erotic Poems
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/13/13 11:30AMA supervisor at a white-shoe law firm accused of sexually harassing one of his employees allegedly sent the woman laminated, illustrated erotic poems with lines like, “I enjoy you so. Your thick legs and all of the voluptuous plumpness that accents your womanhood."
At Least One Country Is Ready to Jail Some Bankers
Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/13 02:58PMOf Course Edward Snowden Ran. He's Not Crazy
Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/13 11:15AMDaniel Ellsberg, the man who gave the Pentagon Papers to the press in 1971, was the most famous government leaker before Edward Snowden. Today, Ellsberg says that Snowden was right to flee America. No shit!
Costa Rica Accidentally Legalizes Gay Marriage
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 07/04/13 01:05PMOn Monday, Costa Rican lawmakers passed a bill that concerned various social services for young people. On Tuesday, they woke up to the realization that they had pretty much legalized gay marriage.
CIA Spies Were Embedded Inside the NYPD
Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/13 08:11AMA newly released 2011 report from the CIA's inspector general reveals that the CIA embedded four officers inside the NYPD's intelligence division after 9/11. The CIA, of course, is not allowed to spy on Americans. And they didn't, according to the CIA!
Court Rules Homeless People Are Allowed to Have Stuff
Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/13 10:27AMLost amid the uproar over other Supreme Court rulings this week was this: yesterday, SCOTUS let stand a lower court ruling that said that the city of LA cannot just confiscate and destroy the possessions of homeless people. Homeless people may legally have things, huzzah.
Money, Not Justice, Will End the 'Tough on Crime' Era
Hamilton Nolan · 06/21/13 11:06AMFor decades now, politicians— particularly those in conservative districts— have galloped into office with promises of being tougher on crime than the next guy. All this has gotten us is the world's highest incarceration rate. And it won't last forever. We can't afford it.
Ray Kelly Thinks Public Will 'Accept' Spies Recording All Phone Calls
Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/13 08:15AMDo Criminal Background Checks Hurt More Than They Help?
Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/13 10:36AMThe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing two companies— BMW and Dollar General— alleging that their use of criminal background checks for employees violated the Civil Rights Act. Are criminal background checks, honestly, worth a shit?
'There Is Not a Good Reason' Why Robert Bales Murdered 16 Civilians
Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 11:02AMOne night in March of 2012, US Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales walked out of Camp Belambay and shot and killed 16 innocent Afghan civilians in two nearby villages. Yesterday, he stood in court and fully admitted to his crimes— without offering any explanation as to why he did them.
The Right of Uneducated People to Perform Liposuction Is Under Attack
Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/13 10:18AMWeed Arrests: Racist, Costly, Destructive
Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/13 10:13AMA comprehensive new report from the ACLU about marijuana arrests in America confirms three key points: A) Weed arrests are overwhelmingly racially biased; B) Weed arrests consume an insanely large amount of money and resources; and C) Weed needs to be legalized, ASAP.
Can-Do State Legislators Are Working to Speed Up Executions
Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/13 10:25AMSupport for the death penalty among Americans is hovering around a 40-year low. Nevertheless, enthusiastic legislators from Bumfuck all the way to Hickville are taking it upon themselves to help their states execute death row inmates with greater dispatch.
Companies: We Only Rip Off Our Workers All the Time By Accident
Hamilton Nolan · 05/15/13 12:51PMIt's shocking to consider, but sometimes employers try to rip off their own employees. And sometimes those employees sue. More employees are suing every year, as a matter of fact. Why? Well, it's definitely not the fault of employers, say employers.