
This Is Why Billionaire Peter Thiel Wants to End Gawker

J.K. Trotter · 05/26/16 01:06PM

Why has Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel spent upwards of $10 million funding third-party lawsuits against Gawker? If you believe his interview with the New York Times, Thiel’s willingness to bankroll litigation brought by Hulk Hogan and other plaintiffs stems from several posts, including a 2007 item about Thiel dating men, that have, in his words, “ruined people’s lives for no reason.” But the record of Thiel’s past comments paints a much more complicated picture of his motivation to end Gawker for good.

Reports: Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel Secretly Bankrolled Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit Against Gawker

J.K. Trotter · 05/25/16 08:50AM

On Monday, the New York Times reported that Gawker Media CEO Nick Denton had come to believe that a wealthy individual has been funding a steady stream of lawsuits, including three different ones filed by Hulk Hogan alone, against his company. Two journalists at Forbes magazine, Ryan Mac and Matt Drange, are lending credence to Denton’s theory. On Tuesday evening, the pair revealed that the powerful Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel has been secretly underwriting Hulk Hogan’s litigation against Gawker:

The Hogan Verdict

Nick Denton · 03/22/16 03:28PM

The decision by a Florida jury to grant $140 million in damages for a story on about a Hulk Hogan sex tape was extraordinary. The number is far larger than even the plaintiff himself had asked for in relief. It’s a huge pay-day for an indiscretion that would have been quickly forgotten, one among many in the professional wrestler’s personal life.

Trump's Lawyers Argue That Univision Should Have Known He Was a Horrible Racist Xenophobe

Brendan O'Connor · 02/11/16 12:25AM

Last summer, Donald Trump filed a $500 million lawsuit against Univision for breach of contract and defamation after the network dumped the Miss Universe pageant (of which Trump was, at the time, a part owner) following the racist unveiling of his presidential campaign. Univision wants the suit dismissed, arguing that Trump’s comments constituted a “cataclysmic” event that voided the contract, the New York Daily News reports. Trump’s lawyers, however, have argued that the remarks were “foreseeable”—that is to say, Univision knew what they were getting.

Catskills Town Accused of Preventing 160 Hasidic Jews From Voting

Allie Jones · 02/02/16 04:04PM

Last January, the board of elections in the tiny Catskills village of Bloomingburg, New York, attempted to cancel the voting registrations of 160 Hasidic residents, claiming that they needed to provide more proof of residency to vote. Ten of those residents filed a federal lawsuit against the board claiming voter discrimination, and today, the Sullivan County Board of Elections settled for $575,000.

Donald Trump's Pro-Discrimination Spokesperson Once Sued Employer for Racial Discrimination

Sam Biddle · 01/08/16 10:05AM

Katrina Pierson is an impressive figure, if only for her ability to out-batshit her employer, Donald Trump. She serves as a campaign spokesperson and talking head, frequently appearing on cable news to offer summaries of Trump’s, discriminatory policy proposals and his general hardline xenophobia and bigotry—which makes it, perhaps, a little funny that once she sued her boss for racial discrimination.

Subway Might Soon Be Legally Required to Measure Your Footlong

Jay Hathaway · 10/20/15 03:50PM

There’s an old joke that goes something like: “Boy, the food at this place is really terrible,” says one Subway customer to another. “Yeah, I know,” says the second guy, “and such small portions.” Well, those two customers really exist, and they sued the company for false advertising back in 2013. In an attempt to finally settle the case this week, Subway agreed to start measuring its footlong sandwiches to make sure they really live up to their names.

Manhattan Woman Sues 12-Year-Old Nephew for Breaking Her Wrist With an Exuberant Hug

Jay Hathaway · 10/13/15 09:18AM

An Upper East Side aunt is suing her pre-teen nephew for six figures over a broken wrist she suffered when he excitedly jumped into her arms to hug her at his 8th birthday party. Her lawsuit claims his “negligent” and “careless” show of affection caused her serious injuries and losses, noting “I was at a party recently and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvres plate.” Damn.