Lawsuit Filed Against Subway for Shortchanging Customers with Less-Than-Footlong Sandwiches
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/23/13 05:22PMTeacher Claims School Pushed Her to Retire Over Medical Condition: Fear of Young Children
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/14/13 03:05PMAbu Ghraib Victims Richly Compensated for Their Troubles
Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/13 01:35PM
Six dozen Iraqis who were imprisoned by Americans at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere during the Iraq War sued a private U.S. contractor that provided employees to the prison. According to the NYT, "The plaintiffs complained of 'heinous acts' and torture at the hands of military and contractor personnel, including rape and sexual assault, beatings, forced nudity, humiliation and isolation." Not to worry, though—they are being fairly compensated for their discomfort.
College Student Who Sued School For Forcing Her to Live with a Sex-Crazed Roommate Has Part of the Lawsuit Dismissed
Neetzan Zimmerman · 12/06/12 02:08PMAFL-CIO Tells Non-Union Store 'Unionmade' to Stop With the 'Unionmade' Crap
Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/12 01:15PM
Earlier this month we told you about Unionmade, the upscale San Francisco menswear store that sells expensive clothes that are not, in fact, union made. The cherry on top of that particular style-over-substance outrage was the fact that Unionmade's logo bears a suspicious resemblance to the logo of the AFL-CIO. And now, the AFL-CIO's lawyers have sent them an angry letter demanding they change their name and logo.
NYU Is Standing by James Franco, the World's Second Best Entertainment Blogger
Taylor Berman · 11/28/12 08:57PM
James Franco, the World's Second Best Entertainment Blogger, officially has the support of NYU, one of his 407 former colleges. The famous blogger/actor's former professor, Jose Angel Santana, filed a lawsuit against Franco last year, claiming he was defamed after giving Franco a "D" in his film studies class. As we noted at the time, the barely passing grade seemed generous considering Franco only attended 2 of the fourteen classes.
Second Man Accuses Elmo Voice Actor of Underage Sex, Says He Has a Thing for Teenage Boys [UPDATE: Kevin Clash Resigns]
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/20/12 11:06AMIt's Time For Nativity Lawsuit Season
Mallory Ortberg · 11/19/12 11:02PM
It's too soon to have to think about any of this, but it's happening anyways - a federal judge in LA's District Court ruled today that the city of Santa Monica is allowed to ban Nativity scenes in parks and other public places after The Santa Monica Nativity Scene Committee brought a lawsuit against the city. If the decision carries, all "unattended displays," regardless of content, will be prohibited from city-owned spaces. The committee, which has been staging the scenes for almost sixty years, has promised to appeal the decision, because this is a fight that will continue forever, long after every living human descendant has forgotten what a nativity is.
Papa John's Is Being Sued for $250 Million for Sending Too Many Text Messages
Taylor Berman · 11/14/12 12:08AM
Papa John's is facing the wrath of their customers, and not just because their Obama-fearing CEO is threatening to cut employer's hours; it turns out the company sent customers over 500,000 unwanted text messages in early 2010. According to the the attorney representing the victimized fans of crap pizza, some customers received 15 or 16 texts in a row, often in the middle of the night.
Harassed by Unsolicited Calls, Man Successfully Sues Telemarketing Company for Wasting His Time
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/29/12 01:32PMA British man who was tired of being harassed by telemarketers decided to bill the company for wasting his time.
Sony Is Being Sued Because Owen Wilson Paraphrased a Two-Sentence Faulkner Quote in Midnight in Paris
Caity Weaver · 10/26/12 03:50PM
Owen Wilson will never say words out loud in this town again: The Hollywood Reporter writes that Sony Picture Classics is being sued by the owners of the rights to William Faulkner's literary works over two sentences the actor uttered in Woody Allen's 2011 film Midnight in Paris. The suit claims the lines violate copyright.
"The Term 'Butt Face' Is a Commonly Used Comedic Device": North Face Lawsuit Produces Hilarious Document Trail
Camille Dodero · 10/24/12 05:40PM
In 2007, a Missouri teenager named Jimmy Winkelmann Jr. came up with an idea to spoof lax-bro brand the North Face: an online apparel shop named the South Butt. Other smart alecks had conceived of this name before, but once the North Face sent cease-and-desists, the little jokers quickly cowered before the corporate Goliath's demands. Winkelmann was not like that. With the support of his dad, Jimmy Sr., the future biomedical engineering student forged ahead with a logo that inverted the North Face's half-dome insignia into a bum and a small inventory of hoodies, fleece jackets, and knit caps.
Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/12 10:09AM
Monster Energy Drinks Might Kill You
Taylor Berman · 10/22/12 08:00PMStrip Club 'Mishap' Lands Bachelor Party Honoree in Hospital with Ruptured Bladder
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/05/12 10:55AMAMC Will Not Stop Throwing a Temper Tantrum About Being Dropped by Dish
Louis Peitzman · 10/04/12 08:59PMArmy Veteran Sues VA for $10 Million, Claims Treatment Gave Him Frostbite on His Penis
Taylor Berman · 10/03/12 09:52PMHamilton Nolan · 09/27/12 11:29AM
Gay Couple Sues Anti-Gay Group for Using Their Engagement Picture in Advertisement
Taylor Berman · 09/26/12 11:24PM
Brian Edwards and Tom Privitere are suing an anti-gay group called Public Advocate of the United States for using the couple's engagement photo in a homophobic advertisement. The photo, which was altered, was taken from the couple's website and used in a political campaign against Colorado State Senator Jean White, a Republican who supports gay unions.