Muslim Woman: Southwest Booted Me After Flight Attendant Thought I Said 'It's A Go'
Remy Stern · 10/10/11 10:25PMWoman Forced to Listen to Rush Limbaugh Sues
Lauri Apple · 10/09/11 11:08AMWoman Files Lawsuit Over 'Misleading' Trailer for Drive
Lauri Apple · 10/08/11 02:02PM
A Michigan woman is suing FilmDistrict Distribution LLC, the outfit that distributed Drive, and the theater where she watched said Ryan Gosling action-drama thriller, all because the trailer had made it seem like the movie was gonna be just like Fast and Furious (not the gun-trafficking operation but the street-racing movie series) and it wasn't totally wasn't at all. WTF, LIARS.
Don't Hit Autistic Kids With Fly Swatters
Lauri Apple · 10/07/11 06:30AMReal World Star Sues Entourage Over Cartoon Monkey
Richard Lawson · 10/05/11 10:15AM
One-time Real World: Key West star turned bloated MTV Challenge hang-about John Devenanzio, aka Johnny Bananas, is following through on a threat made this summer and suing HBO for privacy violation, defamation, and emotional damage because the show Entourage created a fake cartoon called Johnny's Bananas.
Lawsuit Filed Over Brooklyn Bridge Mass Arrest
Lauri Apple · 10/05/11 07:30AM
The Washington, D.C.-based Partnership for Civil Justice Fund has filed a federal class action lawsuit against New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, the city, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, and a bunch of unidentified cops and law enforcement agents over Saturday's controversial kettling-fest and mass arrest of protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Cops to Pay Amy Goodman $100K for Wrongfully Arresting Her
Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 04:35PMHere's a video of normal-sized middle-aged female journalist Amy Goodman being arrested by multiple hulking stick-wielding riot police dressed in full body armor at the Republican National Convention in 2008. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the police state. Hey guys, are there enough of you there, you think? What if she scratches your eyeballs?!
Facebook's Tracking Scandal Is Mushrooming
Ryan Tate · 10/03/11 03:13PMUngrateful Interns Sue Over Privilege of Fetching Natalie Portman's Coffee
Adrian Chen · 09/28/11 04:45PMMeghan McCain Wins Legal Battle: Parody Blog Too Similar to Her Actual Stupidity
Maureen O'Connor · 09/27/11 12:13PMNYC Restaurateurs: Having to Pay Our Workers Is Destroying Us
Lauri Apple · 09/25/11 02:22PM
Let's take a moment from our busy Sundays to remember the plight of New York City's fancy restaurant owners, who—because of "draconian state regulations" passed earlier this year—have become increasingly vulnerable to lawsuits filed by employees seeking back pay and tips. Why can't those workers just enjoy the privilege of working and "being seen" in popular restaurants?
Allegedly Corrupt Poker Site's Defense: 'Hey, At Least We're Not a Ponzi Scheme'
Adrian Chen · 09/22/11 09:52AMGay Ex-Staffer Files Suit Against Jesse Jackson For Sexual Harassment, Discrimination
TPM · 09/21/11 12:17PMWoman Who Abandoned Kids Years Ago Now Wants Their Money
Lauri Apple · 09/21/11 07:04AM
When Canadian truck-driving man Ken Anderson was only 15 years old, his parents "abandoned" him, he says. Dad died, and mom Shirley barely stayed in touch over the decades. Then one day she realized that Anderson and his siblings should each start paying her $750 every month. Because of all the sacrifices she made. And the love she gave.
Sober Student Forced to Take Breathalyzer Test Sues
Lauri Apple · 09/21/11 06:11AMMan Sues Starbucks Over Hidden Camera in Bathroom
Adrian Chen · 09/20/11 11:19AMWhy Are the Feds Getting Protective of Craigslist?
Ryan Tate · 09/14/11 01:30PM
Federal prosecutors just jumped into a long running slapfight between eBay and Craigslist over how the former acquired a stake in the latter. As it turns out, they're on Craigslist's side: They've opened a criminal probe into whether eBay executives used their ownership to illicitly obtain competitive information.