
Man Claims Four Loko Gave Him Permanent Heart Damage

Max Read · 03/21/11 09:51PM

Michael Mustica, a 22-year-old tire salesman from New Jersey, kicked off his Atlantic City vacation in style last October by drinking two and a half cans of alcoholic energy drink Four Loko and falling asleep. Little did he know that when he woke up, things would never be the same!

Quentin Tarantino Sues Neighbor Over Pet Birds

Jeff Neumann · 03/12/11 02:15PM

Quentin Tarantino is suing his neighbor, fellow Oscar winning writer Alan Ball over Ball's pet macaws, which "emit blood-curdling screams." Fair enough! But Tarantino's lawsuit is ridiculously worded, and starts off by quoting Goethe: "He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." Good grief. Here's more of the lawsuit:

A Million Women Will Sue Wal-Mart One Way or Another

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/11 12:25PM

Wal-Mart is currently the subject of one of the biggest workplace discrimination lawsuits in history. Female employees say the company systematically discriminated against them in hiring and business practices. But is a million-person class action suit fair?

Charlie Sheen's Crazy $100 Million Lawsuit

Brian Moylan · 03/10/11 03:09PM

Charlie Sheen is so winning that he didn't just file a lawsuit for $100 million against Warner Bros., which makes Two and a Half Men, but he did it for himself and the entire cast and crew. Oh, that Charlie. He's so generous!

The Media War Begins in the Dov Charney Sex Lawsuit

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/11 11:29AM

When news broke yesterday of a former American Apparel employee's $260 million lawsuit against CEO Dov Charney for allegedly sexually harassing her and forcing her into sex, the initial reports left out the accuser's name. But this is a civil suit, not a criminal rape case, and the plaintiff's name is public record. A.A. itself named her in its statement, saying that she'd signed a severance agreement when she left the company agreeing not to sue them.

Man Sues Medic Who Stole His Disembodied Foot to Train Her Dog

Maureen O'Connor · 03/08/11 05:59PM

Two years ago, Florida firefighter and paramedic Cindy Economou served six months of probation for second-degree petty theft for stealing a disembodied foot from the scene of a car crash with the ulterior motive of using it to train her cadaver-sniffing dog. Economou's excuse: "It was an unrecognizable mass of flesh. It wasn't a clean cut. You couldn't even recognize it as a foot… If I had thought it was somehow reattachable and usable, I would have gone to my commander." Well, in that case—hmm, no, still horrifying.

Courtney Love Settles Twitter Defamation Case for $430,000

Adrian Chen · 03/03/11 07:22PM

Courtney Love has settled her Twitter defamation lawsuit with fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir for $430,000. In March of 2009, Courtney Love let loose a string of nasty tweets about Simorangkir, calling her, among other things "a 52 year old desperate cokes [sic] ass" and a "nasty, lying, hosebag thief." It was apparently an argument over some clothes.

Working For the Weinstein Brothers Is Still a Perverse, Ceaseless Nightmare

John Cook · 03/03/11 05:45PM

Two filmmakers have sued Harvey and Bob Weinstein's studio for more than $114 million, claiming that the Weinsteins ruined five animated film projects with their "indecisiveness and general incompetence." They would have filed the lawsuit earlier, they say, but the Weinsteins paid them $500,000 in quasi-hush money to delay it until after the Oscars so as not to sully their campaign for The King's Speech. Hollywood works in strange ways.

Hot Lesbian Teachers Want $2 Million For Being Called Hot Lesbian Teachers

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 05:40PM

Cindy Mauro and Alini Brito, the two Brooklyn high school teachers who were fired after a janitor allegedly caught them in flagrante delicto (lesbian edition) right in a classroom, are suing the City of New York for $2 million. Their reputations have now been ruined, as people think they are sexxxy lesbians! When in fact, they say, Mauro was "simply
tending to Brito's needs by giving her candy and sugar," hahahahaha. True quote (of the year)!

Order in the Pork! Brooklyn Bacon Book Brings Beef, Brouhaha

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 09:30AM

You may be familiar with Brooklyn cookbook author Lisa Skye's seminal maize-affection work I Love Corn. That wasn't the only "I [Heart] [Type of Food]" idea that Skye had up her sleeve. She also loves bacon! But when she told her book agent that, Skye says, the agent ran off and stole the idea.

Maid Sues Author of The Help for Basing a Character on Her

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/11 10:11AM

The debut novel by Kathryn Stockett (pictured), The Help, is the story of black domestic servants working in Mississippi during the 1960s. It was published last year to rave reviews, and has sold more than 2 million copies. But one person's not happy with it: Ablene Cooper, a 60 year-old maid for Stockett's brother, who Stockett apparently used as the basis for one of the main characters in her book, "Aibileen." According to the WSJ:

Now You Can Sue Stores for Asking for Your ZIP Code

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 12:44PM

Do you know how sometimes you go to buy a pack of gum or some spoons or a pack of washcloths and the person at the register demands that you tell them your ZIP code, in order to be granted the right to hand over money for your purchase? And you're like "Buh? That is so exploitative. Well whatever, I really need these spoons." Yes, well, last week that practice was ruled illegal by the Supreme Court of California. And already, "More than a dozen new lawsuits have been filed against major chains that do business in California, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Bed Bath & Beyond Inc., Crate & Barrel and Victoria's Secret" over their ZIP Code-asking ways.