
Lawsuit Filed Over Oklahoma's Sharia Ban

Remy Stern · 11/05/10 05:04PM

Days after Oklahoma voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure to prohibit its courts from considering Sharia or international law, the Council on American-Islamic Relations' Oklahoma director filed a lawsuit asking for an injunction against the law.

Facebook Parody Site Spoofs Facebook with Lawsuit

Adrian Chen · 11/05/10 11:31AM

Lamebook is that website that documents funny things that happen on Facebook and will eventually be turned into an Urban Outfitter's coffee table book. Facebook threatened Lamebook with a trademark infringement lawsuit—but Lamebook decided to sue Facebook first.

Now You Can Sue Four Year-Olds for Negligence

Adrian Chen · 10/28/10 10:36PM

A Manhattan Judge ruled that a 4-year-old girl who ran down an elderly woman on her bicycle, causing her to break her hip and, eventually, die, can be sued for negligence. She won't be liable, though—her mom will.

McDonald's Must Pay For Making Employee Fat

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/10 02:57PM

A judge in Brazil has ruled that McDonald's must pay a man $17,500 because the man gained 65 pounds in a dozen years of employment at McDonald's. He felt "forced to sample the food each day," for quality. [AP]

This Is the 15-Year-Old Sex Addict Whose Mother Is Suing Tyra Banks

Maureen O'Connor · 10/18/10 11:21AM

With her teen daughter missing, Beverly McClendon filed a missing person's report—only to discover that Jewel Ciera McClendon had been whisked away, by limo and airplane, to discuss her sex addiction on The Tyra Show, without Beverly's consent.

Apple May Pay $625 Million For Messing with Texas

Ryan Tate · 10/05/10 11:12AM

Apple was the loser in the fourth-largest patent verdict in U.S. history. A jury in East Texas federal court found the company infringed three patents in the Cover Flow, Time Machine and Spotlight features of its Mac operating system.