
Graydon Carter's 'Architecture Consultant' in Jeopardy

cityfile · 03/18/09 08:45AM

These are difficult times for Condé Nast. AdAge reported yesterday the publishing giant is planning to slash the ad sales group managed by Richard Beckman; today, Keith Kelly of the Post reports some of the company's flagship titles have seen a 30 to 40 percent decline in revenues, and the company has "taken a dagger to its corporate pension plan" in order to reduce costs. Meanwhile, the Observer's John Koblin reports chairman Si Newhouse and CEO Chuck Townsend have asked editors to trim their discretionary budgets (which includes items like messengers, first-class airfare, and car services), and says a broader round of job cuts is inevitable. Of course, it's hard for any editor to trim his or her own staff—and it can be difficult for top execs to take a step back and see the absurd spending when they're so close to it.

Details Editor Exudes Optimism

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/09 01:20PM

In your sunny Friday media column: Dan Peres has balls, high school reporters have dreams, Arthur Sulzberger has an honest moment, and the media at large has nothing to look forward to:

Best Life Folds

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/09 12:59PM

Rodale is folding the men's magazine Best Life. The May issue (out next month) will be its last. The move was just announced in a staff memo, copied below:

Whither The Sources?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/09 12:26PM

We already know the recession sucks for journalists because—to generalize slightly—they have been laid off. But it sucks for working journalists, too. Guess who else got laid off: all their sources!

New York Lived the Dream. Now, the Nightmare

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/09 12:12PM

Item: We hear that New York Magazine recently called in its department heads and told them to prepare for more budget cuts. New York Magazine is the Gilded Age's demise, paper version.

With Layoffs Looming, Is the "Google Magic" Gone?

Owen Thomas · 03/09/09 12:46PM

Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who spent much of last fall declaring the search engine unaffected by Wall Street's crisis, has admitted that the company is "not immune." But is he being honest about its plight?

More Job Cuts at Apple?

Owen Thomas · 03/06/09 04:55PM

Something's going on at Apple. Normally a leak-proof ship, the S.S. Steve Jobs has been taking on rumors of layoffs. The latest: Cuts in Mac hardware and software units, says a tipster:

Only 163 More Months of Unemployment!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/09 09:36AM

The US government has released "numbers" and "statistics" about the month of February, and how it went for us, the American people, in terms of "jobs." It went poorly.