
Today's Layoff Rumors: Inc. Magazine, Porn

Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/08 12:13PM

Two notable entrants in the layoff rumor mill this morning. Mark these down on your crisp, lined "2008 Winter Layoffs" pad. Before we get to them, I will write this extra sentence so that the word count in the lead to this post is sufficient to make it just show up as a headline, because that's really what it deserves.

Laid-off eBayers get goodbye video all wrong

Owen Thomas · 12/18/08 06:20PM

When a tipster told me that workers at eBay France had created a lip-dub video, my hopes were high. But I should never have expected great things from eBay.

Ad Agency Layoffs: 200 at BBDO

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 04:12PM

Massive advertising/ PR/ marketing conglomerate Omnicom (the most appropriately sinister name in the industry, btw) leaked word yesterday that they're planning on laying off 5% of their workforce, about 3,500 people. And now the axe is swinging—we hear that 200 staffers were just laid off at ad agency BBDO. "They have till the end of the day to pack up," notes our tipster. Better hurry, guys! No word on whether the BBDO sex tape participants were counted against that 200.

New Gig for Todd, Advertising and Book Layoffs

cityfile · 12/18/08 01:57PM

• Chuck Todd has been named NBC's chief White House correspondent. [HP]
• The TV Guide channel has been sold for $300 million. [NYT]
• Both Doubleday and Crown's Broadway imprint laid off staff today. [NYT]
• More on the cost cuts planned at Random House. [NYO]
• Omnicom is cutting 5 percent of its work force, or about 3,000 people. [AP]
• Nominations for the 15th annual SAG Awards were announced today. [THR]

Laid-off Yahoos packing heat for Jerry Yang?

Owen Thomas · 12/16/08 09:00PM

Yahoo had set plans for a holiday party in L.A. right after Wednesday's mass layoffs — and it invited the victims. But just in case any were armed, Jerry Yang's guards set up metal detectors.

Another Day, Another Round of Layoffs

cityfile · 12/16/08 11:47AM

• The bloodletting at CBS is underway. [THR]
• Macmillan Publishing and FSG are both trimming staff. [AP, NYO]
• Ad spending for the first nine months of this year fell 1.7 percent. [WWD]
Katie Couric, Campbell Brown, and Rachel Maddow will appear in the next issue of Vogue. [TVN]
Sean Hannity's Alan Colmes-less show begins January 12th. [NYT]
• The Disney Channel is taking its act to Russia next year. [NYT]
• The most amusing corrections published this year. [Regret the Error]

The craziest Yahoo layoff stories

Owen Thomas · 12/15/08 08:00PM

Did you hear Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang had his house lined with Kevlar before he laid off 1,500 employees? No idea if that's true, but that's the best rumor I heard all week.

Remnick's New Book, More Departures at CNN

cityfile · 12/15/08 11:29AM

New Yorker editor-in-chief David Remnick has confirmed he's writing a book about "Barack Obama, race and politics in America." [Politico]
• David Shuster is the new host of MSNBC's 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. [NYT]
Vogue was the most profitable magazine at Condé Nast this year. [P6]
• Crain Communications (AdAge, Crain's New York) is laying off 60. [NYP]
• The list of layoff victims at CNN grows longer: Jamie McIntyre, Kelli Arena, Linda Stouffer and Rusty Dornin are all on the way out. [TVN]
The Day the Earth Stood Still was No. 1 at the weekend box office. [NYT]

Media Obituaries Reduced To Twitter Length

Ryan Tate · 12/15/08 05:38AM

It's very logical and very sad: Publication shut-downs and layoffs are coming so quickly they can only be effectively tracked at 140 characters or less, on Twitter.

Get ready for a three-year recession

Owen Thomas · 12/14/08 05:00PM

Everyone's ready for the Greatest Depression to be done. Economists think it will be over by the middle of next year. What if it isn't?

Silverman Cements a Deal, Bewkes Steps Up

cityfile · 12/12/08 11:09AM

• Ben Silverman and NBC have come to terms on a new contract. [B&C]
Jeff Bewkes is taking over as Time Warner's chairman. [Bloomberg]
• As expected, Newsweek is trimming both staff and circulation. [WSJ]
• Do his 8 Golden Globe nods mean Harvey Weinstein is on the rebound? [THR]
• CBS Interactive is restructuring and making major cuts. [PaidContent]
• Hugh Jackman will be hosting the Oscars next February. [THR]

Bloodbath at BofA

cityfile · 12/11/08 03:57PM

Bank of America has confirmed that it plans to cut 30,000 to 35,000 jobs over the next three years to "eliminate redundancies created as a result of the merger with Merrill Lynch and to reflect the current recessionary environment." Happy Thursday! [NYT, press release]

Beards Now Big with the Professionally Defeated

cityfile · 12/11/08 09:54AM

Laid off recently? Still mourning the loss of a paycheck and the perks you'd grown accustomed to, like car service, gym memberships, and free meals? Here's one thing you can now save money on: razors! "Unemployment beards" are all the rage right now, reports the Wall Street Journal, which says more and more unemployed execs are growing their facial hair while they "take stock" of their lives. Given all his problems as of late (and more bad news yesterday), this does have us concerned about Harvey Weinstein's scruffy look. Planning ahead, perhaps?