
Media Bubble: Charlie Rose Is a Pig

Jesse · 06/08/06 01:00PM

• Charlie Rose — with a new pig-heart valve — returns to TV Monday. [NYDN]
• Congress boosts TV indecency fines, ensuring the Parents Television Council can continue its reign of puritanical terror over the nation's broadcasters. [WSJ]
• CBS's Kim Dozier returns to United States, still in critical condition but "in great spirits and was talking animatedly." []
• Fashion editor Angela Jones and reporter Kelly Will are among the five Star staffers we reported yesterday were being laid off. [NYP]

Five Sacked As 'Star' Goes West, Young Man

Jesse · 06/07/06 05:41PM

This just in from American Media's spokespeople: Star magazine, Bonnie's little tab-turned-glossy that could, is doing a "minor restructuring" of its operations to devote more resources to its L.A. office. Which means fewer resources for the New York office. Which means five staffers — a reporter, a designer, and a few editors — were laid off this afternoon. We don't have names, though. A little help?

Today in Time Inc. Job Slashing: 250 More Get Axed

Jesse · 04/07/06 12:57PM

Ad Age's Nat Ives gets the news we warned was coming: There's yet another round of job cuts going on at Time Inc., this time depriving some 250 mostly biz-side folks of their livelihoods.

Media Bubble: AMI Learns That Firing Employees Saves Money

Jesse · 04/05/06 03:50PM

• Yesterday's American Media bloodletting will cut the mag publisher's workforce by 9 percent. [WWD]
• And will save the company about $10 million. [NYP]
• With Katie Couric heading to CBS, NBC is days away from a deal to bring Meredith Vieira to fill her clickety stiletto heels. [NYT]
• Gabe Sherman agrees: Times Discovery Channel might be on its way out. Plus Hearst in the new tower, Lapham at Michael's, and Raines at Harvard. [NYO]
The New York Times has finally done something to make Jack Shafer happy. So now he'll cancel his subscription. [Slate]
The Week names Nick Kristof Columnist of the Year. We imagine Andrea Peyser is devastated. [E&P]

Time Inc. to Keep on Cutting

Jesse · 04/05/06 10:30AM

Just when you thought it was safe to be working at Time Inc., rumors have started floating about yet more layoffs on their way. We received this email earlier this morning:

'Spin' Keeps Shedding Staff

Jesse · 03/27/06 04:50PM

They've already lost Sia Michel and Klosterman and Spitz and Itzkoff and their pregnant managing editor; as of Friday, it seems, Spin lost a few more. Editor Caryn Ganz and Jon Dolan were axed, as was onliner Jessica Gross. One rumor that's crossed our path suggests that a requirement to sign some sort of loyalty oath or something may have led at least in part to this last round of blood letting, but we're a touch skeptical of that. Who's possibly left to be loyal to?

Time Inc. Layoffs: All Over but the Namin'

Jesse · 02/15/06 09:24AM

Time Inc. staffers can now exhale. Word came yesterday that 30 editorial staffers — concentrated at Sports Illustrated, Fortune, Money, and the already hard-hit flagship, Time — have accepted voluntary buyout packages, ending the current round of job cuts. So if you work for the world's largest mag publisher, and if you still have your job today, you can be confident you'll still have your job tomorrow and the day after, too. Will you still have it in six or nine months? Well, that's another story. (Who knows what further cutback plans Ann Moore has up her sleeve?)

'Budget Living' Is Definitely Dead

Jesse · 02/15/06 08:35AM

There were lots of reasons, as blogger Kyle du Ford points out, why Budget Living shouldn't have had to close: The magazine, by his calculations, was grossing $17 million a year, which is enough to keep even Maer Roshan happily publishing for a while. Impressive, yes? Actually no. Budget Living really did shut down yesterday, as both WWD and Keith Kelly report. Severance packages are still be determined, but staffers seem likely, at best, to be paid for another two weeks, till the end of the month. After that, well, one hopes they've been reading their magazine carefully.

'Life & Style Weekly' Axes an Executive Editor

Jesse · 02/10/06 10:54AM

The latest news from celeb-mag-land is that Tamara Glenny, the former high-ranking YM editor who joined Bauer's Life & Style Weekly over the summer as executive editor, has just been canned from Bauer's Life & Style Weekly as executive editor. A spy on the Englewood Cliffs beat gives some inside color:

More on the Time Inc. Layoffs: The Union Does Our Reporting for Us

Jesse · 02/08/06 12:12PM

Time Inc.'s Guild local has done yeoman's work this week, compiling all sorts of information on the mag publisher's layoff plans to give a comprehensive picture of the cuts, at least among Guild-covered jobs. Here are the totals, from what we can decipher:

More on the Time Inc. Layoffs: Fun With Union Rules!

Jesse · 01/31/06 12:30PM

So a double-super-secret source deep within the Time & Life Building explains how the buyout portion of the Time Inc. job cuts will work. Seems that under union rules, the company has to accept voluntarily buyouts for two weeks before it can start laying people off involuntarily. People who take the offer get a payout calculated by a formula involving some mix of current salary and years of service. Last time there were layoffs the company offered people over 50 or with more than 15 years of service an extra 5 years' credit toward their pension as an inducement to pack it in; this time, there's no such offer.

Media Bubble: 'Time' Keeps on Ticking, If Barely

Jesse · 01/09/06 03:23PM

• More cuts at Time Inc.: This time, Time's London bureau! [WWD]
• Angry Simon Dumenco hates pay-per-use media content, and he thinks you do, too. Also, he hates the electronics industry for not being as smart as Tim Berners-Lee. [Ad Age]
• Today was Stern's first day on Sirius. Did you listen? We didn't. [NYT]
• Ah: The Observer listened, and discovered he said "fuck" a lot. [Media Mob/NYO]
• Media's still a man's world, says David Carr. (Though, of course, it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl to buy the shelter celeb mags.) [NYT]
• People like snark, says Jon Friedman, who snags this delightful dek: "Commentary: Accent is on commentaries, not reporting." [MW]
• Big media sometimes doesn't credit blogs, and that makes Greg Lindsay sad. [MB]

Media Bubble: Clean Out Your Desks Edition

Pareene · 10/06/05 03:40PM

• Pretty much everyone who works for a newspaper has been or is about to be fired. This is the story of 500 of them. [E&P]
• While Nick and Jessica fall apart, hope springs eternal for lovebirds New Times and Village Voice Media — get a room, you two! [LACityBeat]
• Congratulations once again to Jason Calacanis, for selling out to his third choice. If you can't be with the one you love, and all that. [FishbowlNY]
• There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and George Clooney. [WaPo]

Media Bubble: Tough 'Times'

Jesse · 09/22/05 01:59PM

• Bill Keller only learned of impending staff cutbacks on Friday. [E&P]
• Staff cuts, TimesSelect hiccups, Alessandra Stanley, and now this: S&P downgrades Times Co.'s debt. [NYP]
• Time Warner, like a battered wife stuck in an abusive relationship, now insists it likes AOL again. [NYT]
• Conde brass swears that editor Ariel Foxman isn't about to be canned from Cargo. [WWD]
• Denton tells Adam Penenberg there isn't much profit potential in blogs. Then he lights a fresh cigar with a $100 bill. [Wired News]

Bill Keller Has Nothing to Give But His Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat

Jesse · 09/21/05 08:31AM

It didn't come our way till after we were done for the day, but we'd be remiss in not posting Bill Keller's memo to his Timesian troops from yesterday afternoon, responding to the earlier memo on company-wide staffing cuts and proving yet again that he is not Howell Raines.