
Daring Fireball blogger's Wired takedown fizzles

Jordan Golson · 03/20/08 05:00PM

The latest flaming bomb from Mac blogger John Gruber: "How Leander Kahney Got Everything Wrong by Being a Fucking Jackass." Kahney's sin? Writing Wired's latest cover story, ""How Apple Got Everything Right by Doing Everything Wrong." Kahney's thesis: Apple succeeds despite violating Google's "don't be evil" rules of business. Gruber's response? Name-calling, starting in the headline. Gruber attacks with stabbing frenzy:

Wired writer flacks for Google

Jordan Golson · 03/20/08 02:40PM

Wired.com editor Leander Kahney writes up received Google fictions peddled by the search engine's PR division as fact in this month's Wired magazine. Google's employee perks are a common topic in the press, but our readers tell us the reality is far from the earthly paradise Google sells to gullible journalists. Leander makes working at Google seem like heaven:

Valleywag's 3 biggest goofs of 2007

Paul Boutin · 12/23/07 10:24PM

The trick to running a gossip blog is to reject most of the rumors you get. Otherwise, no one believes anything. You quickly learn to spot the gullible chatter, the obvious attempts to plant a story, the too good to be true. Well, usually. We blew it big three times this year by trying too hard for the scoops.

Has Leander Kahney lost his schtick?

Nick Douglas · 08/08/06 02:46PM

"Has Steve Jobs lost his magic?" asks Leander Kahney, the man who made a career of baiting Apple fans (which, actually, is a cottage industry). Kahney's reasoning: Jobs's WWDC keynote speech on Monday wasn't as exciting as past events.