
Leigh Haber Leaves Rodale Books

Sheila · 06/19/08 01:39PM

So the last month's rumormonger that editor Leigh Haber was out at Rodale is true! "She will be 'working from home' till the end of her contract and is to have no contact with anyone at Rodale... she was *not* happy about having Karen Rinaldi as her new boss (rather than her pal Steve Murphy) and refused to do much of anything when Karen signed on," said the tipster. She's also *not* been happy about her coverage on this website, based on her last encounter with our publisher at the Waverly Inn. (Someone thinks we're irresponsible!) Famous for burning bridges across town, Haber put out Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth while at Rodale. [NY Observer]

Info Plz!

Sheila · 05/29/08 02:31PM

Anything up with Leigh Haber that we should know about? The Rodale editor and NY Post friend, who published Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, "will be 'working from home' till the end of her contract and is to have no contact with anyone at Rodale," a tipster informs us. Maybe things aren't going so well? Tell us what's going on! (Haber ran into our publisher at the Waverly Inn once, re: this post. It didn't go so well.) Update: "As we understand it, she was *not* happy about having Karen Rinaldi as her new boss (rather than her pal Steve Murphy) and refused to do much of anything when Karen signed on. She didn't go to [Book Expo], and cleared out her office this morning. No one is to speak to her about her projects, and her assistant and the editor under her now report to Karen."

Field Guide: Leigh Haber

Emily Gould · 01/29/07 11:30AM

It's always surprised naive little us how easily certifiable krazies seem to thrive in book publishing. Sure, everyone knows about Judith Regan, thanks to Vanessa Grigoriadis, Vanity Fair, gossipy hyperventilating, and a certain hot off the presses roman a clef (not to mention, uh, Judith Regan). But what of publishing's lesser tyrants, snakes, and weirdos? To our mind, they're woefully underreported on (maybe because of lawyers, or some sad bookish omerta). Well, we're here to rectify that, and we're starting with a lady who recently accused us of being "people who have absolutely no inkling who [she is]." She was right, unfortunately: we didn't know nearly enough about the woman who Page Six recently called the new Judith Regan. So we set out to rectify the situation. After the jump, we share our findings with you.

Leigh Haber Takes Her Complaints Right To The Top

Emily Gould · 01/18/07 03:00PM

Unintelligible, lamedropping-addicted "blahg" PXthis has an intriguing anecdote today concerning the travails of one "leigh-haber," who we wrote about when, in the wake of her promotion to head of her own imprint at Rodale, Page Six called her "the new Judith Regan." Leigh had an interesting run-in at Waverly Inn last night:

The Inconvenient Truth About Leigh Haber?

Emily Gould · 01/11/07 10:20AM

We love Page Six's patented Random Reacharounds: those inexplicably crowing, glowing items that detail the achievements of someone readers have never heard of, typically introducing zero new information and blowing several lackluster achievements out of proportion. Today's item about Rodale's Leigh Haber is a classic example: