
Rick Ross Poses in Fur Coat Holding Baby Leopard (?), is Very Much the Boss

Jordan Sargent · 01/05/13 12:09PM

Say what you will about Rick Ross, but the man knows how to construct a character and then live out that lifestyle. His Instagram feed — username "richforever" — is an unending succession of expensive sneakers, cars, jewelry and courtside seats to basketball games, but he may have reached his zenith this morning when he posted the above photo. He is wearing a fur coat and holding what appears to be a baby leopard. His hat says "Kings." The caption for the photo is "Come & $uck a D-ck 4 a Millionaire. #TwoKings." That seems to present a problem, considering the presence of the wild cat, but I'm sure he'll figure it out.

New iCal exposes complexity of space-time continuum

Paul Boutin · 12/06/07 06:38PM

So, I updated my Macs to the new Leopard operating system, then synced my calendars with Apple's .Mac online service. You can see the results. Fake Steve Jobs has actually acknowledged there are bugs, which makes me wonder if Leopard hasn't Time Machined me into some alternate universe. iCal is cool — my stupid Vista PC can only find one of my brother's birthdays next week. Piece of junk. My new calendar makes total sense to anyone with a basic grasp of string theory.

Apple ads light into Vista for the holidays

Nicholas Carlson · 11/23/07 11:06AM

Have you missed John Hodgman, The Daily Show's "expert," since the writers' strike started? Well, he's back in action, reprising his role as "PC," joining Robert Scoble's bid to urge Vista users to not give up on Microsoft. The campaign appears to make use of an especially vicious form of keyword targeting: Here, it appears on CNET's Windows Vista page.

"Golden Nasty" and other queries you don't want to share

Nicholas Carlson · 11/02/07 04:22PM

Remember Hakia? It's the here-today, likely-gone-tomorrow search engine which allows users to meet other users searching for the same topic. A frightening feature, to be sure. But it'd be worse if Hakia members actually had to meet each other in person. Starting with the obvious, here is a list of queries whose searchers you don't want to meet. (Or maybe you do. Pervert.)