HuffPo Sets Women, Style Back 40 Years
Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/08 11:34AM
Here is an honorific that we should have been keeping track of more closely: Huffington Post's monthly "Woman of Style." This award is bestowed by HuffPo blogger and author Lesley M.M. Blume, who, according to her bio, "has devoted herself to the study of irreverence, chic eccentricity, and extravagant personas." A worthwhile and rigorous pursuit! Though Blume is—we have to be honest here—a somewhat more over-the-top writer than her skill level and a sense of prudence would dictate. This month's Woman of Style is Faith-Ann Young, "A free-wheeling music reporter and photographer for Monocle, Flavorpill, MOG, and Blender," whose style "at once evokes a 1960s and 70s free spirit — and also the anarchism of the internet generation." Do tell!