What I Learned From David Carr
John Cook · 02/13/15 01:05PM20 Life Lessons From 20 Twentysomethings
Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/13 03:05PMThe Consultants Always Win
Hamilton Nolan · 08/28/13 10:26AMDad of the Year Mass-Texts Teen Girl's Nude Pic to 'Teach Her a Lesson'
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 10:46AMRachel Maddow Explains Birth Control to Mitt Romney
Matt Cherette · 10/21/11 02:42AMIn a recent Huckabee appearance, Mitt Romney said he'd "absolutely" support a constitutional amendment defining conception as the beginning of life. In addition to outlawing abortion, such an amendment could ban many forms of birth control, a fact Romney was seemingly unaware of when pressed on his position during a campaign event on Thursday. So tonight, armed with beer and female anatomy diagrams, Rachel Maddow invited Romney to her "Man Cave" for a crash course in how babies are made.
Bedbug Dogs Bark at Bedbugs, or Sometimes at Nothing
Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/10 05:23PMWhen Writing Under a Pseudonym Could Save Your Job
Jeff Neumann · 09/27/10 05:06AMCrazy Kelly Bensimon Creates Important PSA in Her Living Room
Richard Lawson · 06/02/10 09:55AMParents Organize Kid Fights to Settle Playground Scores
Jeff Neumann · 05/27/10 07:24AMDo Not Try to Befriend Cops While Drunk
Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/10 09:19AMYou Had to Smoke in the Club, Didn't You?
Hamilton Nolan · 01/27/10 11:08AMSandra Bullock Could Win an Oscar, and other Post-Golden Globes Predictions
Richard Lawson · 01/18/10 01:43PMBlogger Misquoted in Lame Times Dating Trend Piece
Pareene · 01/08/10 11:27AMWorld's Cleverest Ad Campaign Is Big Failure
Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/09 10:13AMDon't Wager Your Business Success on Dog Balls Before You Know They're There
Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/09 02:44PMFive Lessons from Obama's Campaign That Aren't Marketing Pseudospeak
Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/08 02:46PM
Now that Obama hath ascended to America's throne, it's time for everyone to speak loudly about the Lessons Learned. Did we learn that Obama won because eight years of heinous mismanagement made everyone hate Republicans? Ha, no, that would be far too easy. The real lessons are all these crazy marketing strategies the Obama campaign used, allegedly! After the jump, we'll tell you five actual lessons of the Obama victory, and why things haven't changed as much as everyone says: 1. Facebook doesn't mean shit: This is really the insight that gives us the most delight. All those Facebook groups for Obama and donating your Facebook status do not mean shit. They are a great way to feel as if you're participating in the campaign fight while actually doing nothing to sway any votes. Facebook is the epitome of preaching to the choir. To the extent that it's an easy and effective way to communicate with people, sure, it helps, and it will be adopted by both parties eventually to the extent that it makes their jobs easier, just like email and websites. But the idea that some sort of "Facebook activism" actually helped shift red states to blue states is just wrong. Offline tendencies drive online behavior, not vice versa. 2. TV is still king: With all the internet and the websites and the social networking and the blast emails and the online video and the microtargeting, you know what the most important weapon is for any campaign. TV ads, as always. That's where all that money you give on the internet gets spent (Obama spent $250 million on ads—which sounds like a lot until you compare it to, say, the $300 million Microsoft is spending for its current ad campaign). In terms of being a powerfully influential medium for moving voters, TV crushes the internet now and forevermore until further notice, the end. 3. The candidates matter: Did Barack Obama do better than John Kerry because Obama had a more sophisticated media strategy? OR was it because Obama is more competent, more likable, more telegenic, and was running against a teetering old warmonger who would be a heartbeat away from turning the Oval Office over to a fundamentalist Alaskan psycho woman? You decide. 4. Elections ride the swinging pendulum: When the nation swings as far to one end of the spectrum as we've been for the last eight years, with such disastrous results, you can bet it'll swing back to the other end. Honestly, Christopher Dodd with no Facebook page at all would have had a pretty decent shot at winning this year if he raised the money Obama did. It's the Democrats' time. 5. Campaign tactics are always evaluated in retrospect because the media has no idea what it's talking about, mostly: Here's how media experts evaluate the tactics of a presidential campaign: A campaign does something. The media sees what the reaction is. Then they "explain" why it was a good/ bad idea, based on whether it worked or not. If some tactic starts off slow and is pronounced a failure only to eventually start working, watch the media magically create a reason for this dynamic that does not include "We have no idea what we're talking about." This goes for us too, btw. Neither we or our media colleagues are any more able to predict the dynamics of an election in advance than you, the average idiot! The only prediction worth a shit is one made beforehand, that turns out to be right. And the person making that prediction is still not worth a shit unless they can make similar, accurate predictions repeatedly over an extended period of time. This is why everything that pundits say is good only for entertainment value, and Nate Silver will rule the world.
What Have We Learned From That Fake Steve Jobs Rumor?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/06/08 04:48PM
Last Friday a rumor went up on CNN's "Citizen journalism" site saying that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had had a heart attack. Apple stock plunged momentarily, but the posting was debunked within the hour. The suspicion now is that the rumor was planted by a short seller looking to capitalize on the skittish reaction of the market. So that means don't trust crazy internet rumors because the internet is lies! Right? No: The incident caused an uproar, but look at what it really was: one guy with a fake post on an unmediated citizen journalism site. Making any stock selling decisions based on that is approximately as risky as making the same decision based on a Craigslist post. It's an inherent gamble. Jeff Jarvis is sanguine:
Shouty Sportswriter Is Sorry For Yelling
Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/08 02:24PM
Buzz Bissinger, the excellent sportswriter and blog hater who made himself a very unpopular man very quickly by becoming unhinged and cussing out nice-guy Deadspin editor Will Leitch on TV last week, has had some time to think about what he did. And he's sorry now. First his wife told him he looked bad. Then everybody else did. "I started reading emails sent to me. The majority were predictably vindictive — dickhead, horsefucker, douchebag, windbag, ugly, stupid, etc. But what struck me far more is that many of the emails were smart, not laced with personal invective, and made cogent points about sports blogs and the Internet." He has perhaps now learned a valuable lesson, or three!
Doree Shafrir · 08/22/07 11:30AM

"My email marketing finally worked. Gawker.com did a story on me. They did 3 actually. And if you're in the industry u know that Gawker is a celebrity website that keep it real and from that story I am meeting with an agent today who contacted the kid after reading and researching me. Wow, you get rid of the losers in your life and doors began to open for you. So let me get this book deal on and popping. So we shall see what's good with that. Right now I'm on my sk so I can't place a link of the story but just google me or wait until I get online later on to do so. Life is starting to look up for Tionna Smalls and I'm happy. I'm happy with my fam situation, my man situation, friends, locality, everything. I sleep all day, work all night. That's the life of a go-getter. Were planning the next luncheon. What else can happen to make my world better?" [Talk Dat Ish]