
Florida's Governor Declares War on Useless Degrees

Jim Newell · 10/12/11 11:33AM

Florida's comically unpopular governor, Rick Scott, has decided to pick another new, arbitrary fight: This time with anthropology majors! And psychology majors, and really all liberal arts/social science majors, whom he believes his state university system subsidizes for no good reason. Have any of these invalids ever gotten a job, in Florida? There is no reason to humor them any longer.

People Still Care About College Sex Mags

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/09 12:33PM

As long as college kids remain edgy, there will be college sex magazines. And as long as there are a few olds with no sense of mockery, they will be scandalized by them. Still!

Wesleyan Extends A Warm Welcome To Soldier-Americans

Jen · 11/26/07 02:50PM

With the imminent arrival of ten war veterans on scholarship, America's Most Annoying Liberal Arts College 's student newspaper has published an op-ed about how these special students should be treated. But first, a little self-righteous back-patting: "It is sadly ironic that Wesleyan is stepping up to provide important services to vets while the current administration is barely able to." Omigod, riiight? Like ten thousand spoons when all you need is some body armor!

The Day David Bowie Died

Choire · 11/12/07 06:05PM

Bard College, the liberal arts school located 120 miles north in Annandale-on-Hudson, "puts the 'liberal' in 'liberal arts,'" according to the 'Princeton Review.' It has a 600-acre campus and nearly 1500 undergrads. This is their story—as told by a student who would like to be known as Stephan K. Some names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Hipsters Can't Love

Choire · 10/29/07 05:05PM

Bard College, the liberal arts school located 120 miles north in Annandale-on-Hudson, "puts the 'liberal' in 'liberal arts,'" according to the 'Princeton Review.' It has a 600-acre campus and nearly 1500 undergrads. This is their story—as told by a student who would like to be known as Stephan K. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Emily Gould · 10/22/07 09:00AM

Three Bard students—two freshmen and a sophomore!—were arrested when police found them in possession of "nearly 1 pound of marijuana, half a kilogram of a partially refined but yet-unidentified hallucinogenic drug, hashish, hashish oil and a portable drug-processing lab similar to the kind used to manufacture methamphetamines" just two months into the school year. "If there's any message that comes through from this ... [it's] that we are here to provide an education and a safe and healthy atmosphere for students here at Bard," said a college spokesman. Okay! Either that or: Bard is a school where you can totally brew up a batch of rave drugs. [Daily Freeman]

Wesleyan Biology Class "Melds Scientific And Choreographic Inquiry"

Emily Gould · 10/18/07 10:25AM

Back when we originally voted Wesleyan "Most Annoying Liberal Arts College," their Interim Dean of Students Mike Whaley told the Wesleyan Argus that "like most stereotypes, the entire 'article' seems to be based on ignorance and/or malice—the desire to foster misinformation and to detract from the incredible educational experience Wesleyan (and others) offers seems clear." That "incredible educational experience" includes a class called "Feet to the Fire." "Feet to the Fire is an intensive, interdisciplinary course that melds scientific and choreographic inquiry in pursuit of one of the most important topics facing society: climate change due to global warming," the course catalog description begins.