Toronto Library Asked to Ban Hop on Pop to Protect Dads
Jay Hathaway · 04/30/14 10:56AMJapanese Tech Company to Digitize Vatican Library Archives
Dayna Evans · 03/22/14 09:40AM
Pope Francis is the chillest pope that the Vatican has ever seen: uttering "fuck" at weekly blessings, admiring chocolate statues of himself, picking up hitchhikers in his tricked-out Popemobile. But now the man in charge of thousands of precious documents wants the underlings of the internet to have access.
Fifty Shades of Grey Has Herpes (No, Really)
Sarah Hedgecock · 11/14/13 04:00PMTexas Man Arrested and Jailed for Overdue Library Book
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/01/13 11:02AMNYU Imprisons Students in a Video Game to Stop Them from Killing Themselves
Caity Weaver · 08/20/12 10:50AM'Celebrities With Big Dicks' and Other Tales from the Weird World of Wikipedia Books
Max Read · 04/17/12 11:01AM
Interested in celebrity dick size? Boy, do I have the book for you: Celebrities with Big Dicks like Jay-Z, Liam Neeson, Colin Farrell, and Many More, edited by one Dana Rasmussen. It's out of stock right now on Amazon—I bought the last copy—but you can order one of three used copies available, starting at the low price of $37.73 (plus shipping).
Bush and Cheney Are for Snooping In Everyone's Library Records But Theirs
John Cook · 03/28/12 01:42PM
Libraries, you will recall, are playgrounds for terrorists—which is why George W. Bush and Dick Cheney made sure the that PATRIOT Act empowered the FBI to rummage through library records with impunity and without a warrant, confidentiality be damned. But now that there's a lawsuit seeking records from their presidential libraries, Bush and Cheney are hiding behind the Librarian's Code.
Girl Freaks Out on People for Breathing Loudly in CSUN Library
Matt Cherette · 12/09/11 08:10AMThe above video depicts a female student having a meltdown in the library at Cal State Northridge on Tuesday. Despite several reports to the contrary, the video was recorded and first posted to Facebook by a CSUN student named Ashley Monroe, who claimed in comments below it that the altercation began after the girl demanded others in the library "not breathe loud[ly]."
The Future of Libraries Is Bookless
Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/11 11:39AMCondiment-Wielding Library Vandal Gets Jail Time
Jeff Neumann · 01/30/11 09:47AMThe Mysterious Case of Harvard's Pee Vandal: Conspiracy Theories Arise
Maureen O'Connor · 12/15/10 02:12PMCollege Libraries Inspiring Everyone to Take It All Off
Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/10 11:43AMThe George W. Bush Presidential Library Will Be Awesome
Jeff Neumann · 10/22/10 05:20AMRevisionists Upset Over New Watergate Exhibit in Nixon Library
Jeff Neumann · 08/07/10 11:37AMGlenn Beck's Minions Convince New Jersey Library a Gay Book is 'Child Pornography'
TPM · 08/04/10 01:02PMOld Man Cries Over Local Library Closing
Jill Lawson · 03/05/10 11:37AMWhen this old man is pretty broken up about the closure of the local library, his reactions turn from funny, to sad, to funny again. What you are about to see is a code blue case of the sads.
Wacky Assemblyman Denounces Library, For Some Reason
Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/09 12:09PMSmall-Town Wisconsin Has Its Own Blog Wars, Thank You Very Much
Richard Lawson · 06/16/09 01:24PMFailure to Return
Sheila · 08/28/08 04:12PM
Seriously, who isn't returning their library books? The failure to return borrowed books is a very real, very pressing problem these days. We've brought you two jail-time examples of rogue library borrowers this week alone. Now we've received a list of various offenders from the fuzz—a Southern library is being robbed of their possession of something called The Amazing Panda Adventure! Don't worry: the police department is on the case.