
Herman Cain Ad Boasts of Lie Detector Test That He Didn't Take

Jim Newell · 12/01/11 02:20PM

Give it up for Americans for Herman Cain, the SuperPAC that appears to be competing with the Cain campaign proper to determine which makes the funniest ads. This one here, it's a real treat. It implies that Herman Cain passed a lie detector test, thus conclusively revealing the "truth" about his various sexual harassment allegations. Clever move, Super PAC! But one should note that Herman Cain has not actually taken a lie detector test.

The Trust Wristband: A Must for Any State or Federal Regulator

cityfile · 03/17/09 11:43AM

Here's an accessory that Andrew Cuomo should really consider keeping around the office so he's prepared the next time he grills another Wall Street CEO: the Truth Wristband Kit that was just released by Make magazine. How does it work? "The wearable device dynamically reflects your psycho-emotional response to the world, promoting internal states to be externalized and made into interactive forms of expression. Measuring the galvanic skin response (a marker of emotional arousal commonly used in lie detector tests), this device's lights turn from blue to red as the wearer becomes aroused." In other words, Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis and the boys at AIG don't stand a chance. [Make]