
Bauer Publishing Hedges Its Bets, Part 2

Jesse · 03/02/06 10:25AM

Yesterday's Life & Style has a great speculative scoop: Could hottie stoner Matthew McConaughey be married? Perhaps to his girlfriend, Penelope Cruz? The mag has a photo of him wearing what seems to be a wedding band on his left ring finger, so it would seem he's done the deed, right? Well, actually, no: As the backwards Nike swoosh on his shorts indicates, the photo is flipped and the ring is on his far less interesting right hand. Which the folks at L&S's Bauer stablemate, In Touch Weekly, were able to figure out.

Bauer Hedges Its TomKat Bets

Jesse · 02/22/06 05:29PM

We mentioned earlier today that Bauer Publishing's Life & Style is insisting upon its TomKat-breakup scoop even while the rest of the celeb-weekly establishment begs insists the mag wrong. Now a charmingly catty contact at a rival pub points out that even Bauer's other celebrity title, In Touch Weekly doesn't buy it:

'Life & Style': We Still Say TomKat is Dying, Dammit

Jesse · 02/22/06 12:21PM

To recap: Late in the day last Tuesday, Life & Style announced the imminent breakup of TomKat. Later that afternoon, Star rushed out a report calling bullshit on Life & Style. The next morning — a week ago today — Us Weekly further dismissed Life & Style's breakup claim by not even deigning to address it. It seemed almost like an alliance between Star and Us Weekly against Life & Style. Until Star put out a story later last Wednesday directly contradicting Us Weekly. And there, eyeball to eyeball and with fingers on triggers, it seemed d tente was reached; there's been no inter-weekly skirmishing since, and peace has reigned in celebmagland.

'Life & Style Weekly' Axes an Executive Editor

Jesse · 02/10/06 10:54AM

The latest news from celeb-mag-land is that Tamara Glenny, the former high-ranking YM editor who joined Bauer's Life & Style Weekly over the summer as executive editor, has just been canned from Bauer's Life & Style Weekly as executive editor. A spy on the Englewood Cliffs beat gives some inside color: