
Emily Gould · 12/13/07 01:50PM

Desks are so over! Also, "innovations" like "white space"—non-desk places where employees can go to "think"—and "hot desking"—a system where employees never sit in the same spot twice—are revolutionizing the workplace, according to Times 'how we work now' columnist Lisa Belkin. Yeah, giving your employees a private place to sit and work where no one can overhear their personal phone calls about their brother's gayness or their medical conditions is so passé, not to mention a big waste of cash.

Selling Ourselves Is The Only Job Any Of Us Will Ever Have

Emily Gould · 11/29/07 12:25PM

There's this kid named Sean Aiken who is doing a different job every week for a year, Times workplace ponderer Lisa Belkin writes. "In the spirit of his generation — the one that brought us extreme sports, and made a mini celebrity out of a blogger who traded a paper clip for a house, and a mega celebrity out of a socialite who went on reality TV to move from job to job in 'The Simple Life' — Mr. Aiken has begun a most unusual search." Digest that for a moment, millennials: you are responsible for not only Paris Hilton and One Red Paperclip, but also extreme sports. Also, when it comes to the future of your employment, you are as fucked as a base-jumper without a chute.