
Bloggerati: Stalin + Trotsky 4eva

Nick Douglas · 11/03/06 01:01PM
  • "So to hear today that Microsoft is partnering with Novell to offer sales support for Novell's Suse Linux AND cooperate with its old rival on Linux-Windows interoperability is ... astonishing — a bit like discovering that Stalin really sent Trotsky to Mexico for a nice vacation or that Itchy has shacked up with Scratchy." [Good Morning Silicon Valley]

Moments in Um...: BBC News snaps an Ubuntu thong

Nick Douglas · 09/28/06 12:13PM

The BBC needed an illustration for its story about Ubuntu, the sub-Saharan African philosophy meaning "I am because we are," which Bill Clinton this week exhorted the British Labor Party to embrace.

ConFonz runs from the Wooly Debianoid herd at LinuxWorld

Nick Douglas · 08/17/06 11:07AM

The Conference Fonzie is still at LinuxWorld, this time sending in his longest report yet. Like a North Atlantic iceberg, most of this one is under the horizon; hit the post title to see it all.

ConFonz rides the penguin at LinuxWorld

Nick Douglas · 08/16/06 02:48PM

Valleywag correspondent ConFonz reports today from the world's most graybeard-saturated convention. LinuxWorld is like Disney World without the trauma of seeing an on-break Goofy holding his own head.

Where the OS's at?

ndouglas · 03/23/06 07:12PM

So while Vista's delayed again — "Arrange the deck chairs this way, guys, we'll never sink now!" — let's see how all the OS-makers are faring with their deadlines.