
A fake Steve Jobs pops up on Facebook

Owen Thomas · 10/29/08 03:40PM

There's a "Steven P Jobs" on Facebook. But it's not Apple's CEO. How can I tell? The biographical details, which anyone can get from Wikipedia, are all correct. But the "About Me" section is a dead giveaway.It reads, "Have a passion for really great products!" The exclamation point kills it for me. Add to that: He's not even in Facebook's Apple network. His wife, Laurene Powell-Jobs, and his daughter Lisa Brennan-Jobs both have Facebook profiles, and they aren't on his friends list. Sadly, 75 Apple employees, drawn to any electronic hint of their cult leader, are. I'm left wishing Dan Lyons had been the one to pull this stunt. The original Fake Steve Jobs would have made this Facebook page so convincing I would have believed it. And gladly.

Steve Jobs isn't in Apple's Facebook network — but his wife is

Jordan Golson · 02/19/08 09:00PM

Laurene Powell-Jobs, Steve Jobs's wife, is in the Apple network on Facebook. Isn't that for Apple employees only? To join an employer's Facebook network, users must have an approved email address. Only those whose addresses ends in can join the Apple network. As far as we can determine, Powell-Jobs does not hold a position at Apple. If she did, Apple would certainly have to disclose it in SEC filings. So what is she doing in the Apple Facebook group? Her full Facebook profile is below.

Lisa Brennan-Jobs on her "glamorous world"

Jordan Golson · 02/15/08 01:20PM

Apple CEO Steve Jobs fathered a daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, who has grown up into the very image of her famous father. Biographies of Jobs have recounted how he initially refused to acknowledge her, but later invited her to live with him as a teenager. In a first-person article in February's Vogue, Brennan-Jobs addresses her personal history — as far as we know, for the first time. Here's the 100-word version:

What if Steve Jobs were a girl?

Owen Thomas · 01/24/08 09:00AM

It's long been known that Apple CEO Steve Jobs fathered a daughter, Lisa, out of wedlock, and did not acknowledge her until later in life. (Apple's ill-fated Lisa is apocryphally said to be named after her.) Now, Lisa Brennan-Jobs is an accomplished magazine writer. Her latest assignment: a story in February's Vogue. But my eyes stopped on the magazine's contributors page, which featured a striking photo of Brennan-Jobs. She is the very image of her father.

Stinginess begins at home

ndouglas · 01/25/06 02:09PM

Cult of Mac author Leander Kahney found that Steve Jobs hasn't cut a single check to charity. Maybe he puts his family first, right? Well, no. For those of you who haven't read the roman clef A Regular Guy (by Jobs' biological sister), we'll connect the dots: it turns out the mogul refused to pay child support for his daughter Lisa, denying she was even his, for years. Can't imagine that's healthy. At least he named a computer after her — okay, a failed one, but there's only so much love a dad can give, eh?