New York Times Savior Is Now the Richest Man on Earth
Remy Stern · 03/10/10 06:58PMThe Pope's Desert Island Album List Is Actually Kind of Weird
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cityfile · 01/27/10 04:57PMThe Teabagger Enemies List
Pareene · 01/25/10 05:51PMThe 100 Cheesiest Movie Quotes of All Time
Whitney Jefferson · 01/20/10 03:35PMGOP Operative Endorses Obama's Suits
Pareene · 01/04/10 01:26PMCelebrity Sock Puppet Theatre's Year in Review
Whitney Jefferson · 12/29/09 11:39AMAll of 2009’s Cinematic Achievements in 7 Minutes
Whitney Jefferson · 12/28/09 12:46PMPopSugar's Top 10 TV Moments of the Year
Whitney Jefferson · 12/23/09 03:26PMA Guide to Holiday Romance: Guys to Avoid
Gabriel Snyder · 12/04/09 06:08PMA Guide to Holiday Romance: Girls to Avoid
Gabriel Snyder · 12/04/09 06:05PMThe Best of 00's Derby: Was It the Age of Quirk?
Richard Rushfield · 11/24/09 06:39PMNYMag's 'Power Dozen'
cityfile · 10/19/09 12:43PM
This week's issue of New York has come up with a list of the 12 most powerful people in town. (Well, the 11 most powerful behind Michael Bloomberg, that is.) They are (in no particular order): Al Sharpton, Howard Rubenstein, Sheldon Silver, Stephen Ross, Jamie Dimon, Herb Pardes, Anna Wintour, Andrew Cuomo, Mike Fishman, Chuck Schumer, and Rupert Murdoch. [NYM]
America Reacts To Tina Brown Calling Them Stupid
Foster Kamer · 10/10/09 01:30PMBreaking: America's Rich Not Quite as Rich As They Used to Be
cityfile · 10/01/09 08:04AM
Forbes' annual list of the richest Americans, the Forbes 400, was released today. The bad news? It was a pretty rough year for the super-rich, not surprisingly, with the collective net worth of Forbes 400 members falling $300 billion over the past 12 months. The good news, at least for those poor people who have had to deal with the indignity of only being worth in the high nine figures: You don't need to be a billionaire to make the cut this year. A mere $950 million will suffice. [Forbes, NYDN]
The Establishment According to Graydon Carter
cityfile · 09/01/09 11:40AM
Vanity Fair's "New Establishment" list, an "annual ranking of the top 100 Information Age powers," appears on the web this time around, not in the actual magazine as in previous years. [Update: An abbreviated version appears in the October issue; the full list is online.] And while there are a few surprises to be had—Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who's been reviled in the press in recent weeks, takes the top spot—it once again gives Vanity Fair editor /part-time restaurateur Graydon Carter an opportunity to do what he does so well: insure that his close, personal friends get their moment in the sun!
Sheila Bair's Consolation Prize
cityfile · 08/20/09 10:33AM
Sheila Bair, the head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, may not be worthy of coverage in the eyes of Vogue editor Anna Wintour. But maybe she can take some comfort from Forbes' new "100 Most Powerful Women" list. Bair comes in at No. 2, right behind German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who nabbed the top spot for the fourth straight year. [Forbes, NYDN]