
Jason Parham · 11/05/15 01:22PM

Liverpool recently introduced fast-walking pedestrian lanes in its city centre, an action supported by 69 percent of 16 to 24-year-old residents, research found. “But life is about the path, not the destination,” you say. Incorrect, sir. Now get out of my way, I’m late for an appointment.

Justin Bieber Trapped in Hotel Room, Threatened With Arrest

Richard Lawson · 03/10/11 12:59PM

A situation is developing in Liverpool, England that could, if it unravels, have repercussions the world over. Pop gremlin Justin Bieber and his hardened posse are currently stuck in their hotel room because a huge throng of fans has gathered outside, waiting for a peek of their beloved moptop. The police are trying to control the crowd and have threatened Bieber and his crew with arrest if they go anywhere near their balcony, fearing that if the girls below catch a glimpse, a "possible riot situation" could develop.