
Jon Stewart Examines A Fox News Analyst's Claim That Female Soldiers Are Getting Raped Too Much

Matt Toder · 02/14/12 11:43PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at the arguments various right wing types are floating against the idea that women should be serving at the front lines of our military. Rick Santorum is worried that female soldiers endanger missions as the male soldiers would have trouble seeing them in peril. Liz Trotta, a Fox News psycho, doesn't want women around because they're getting raped too much, which is obviously their fault. She actually said that.

Fox News Pundits Trash Sarah Palin During Commercial Break

Adrian Chen · 11/18/10 08:58PM

Here are a couple of pundits on Fox News Watch, trashing fellow Fox News commentator Sarah Palin's reality show during a commercial break. Conservative columnist Liz Trotta and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Judith Miller do not like the show at all!