Boehner Warns Congressmen to Avoid Sexy Lobbyist Parties
Jim Newell · 07/21/10 10:18AMMassive Washington Lobbying Firms Join Forces, Will Crush Everything
Jim Newell · 07/01/10 06:35PMJack Abramoff Moved to Halfway House, To Emerge In December
Jim Newell · 06/09/10 02:43PMWall Street Lobby Hires Former Lawmakers for Their Brains, Not Connections
Jeff Neumann · 06/04/10 05:46AMLobbying Firm Mourns Death of Best Friend
Pareene · 03/16/10 09:42AMPaper: Obama Secretly Accomplishing Things
Pareene · 11/02/09 05:32PMNew York Times to Washington Post's Executive Editor: Liar, Liar, Liar.
Foster Kamer · 10/17/09 02:00PMLobbyists Having Homeless Guys Wait Out Lines For Them On Capital Hill
Foster Kamer · 07/19/09 04:30PMWashington Post Mistakenly Tells Truth About 'Sponsored' Media Events
Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/09 11:10AMIn The Media Mudpit With Ken Silverstein, Howard Kurtz And Rachel Sklar
Maggie · 11/01/07 03:40PM
Every once in a while, we like to get a tour of a real sewer—and the drama surrounding the publication of 'Washington Post' media critic Howard Kurtz's latest book offered an opportunity too filthy to miss. Central to this particular mess's question is: Does a reporter's fondness or contempt for another reporter disqualify them from criticizing their work in print? (And if so, are we fired?) So let's go deep into the morass and play our favorite game: Who Hates Whom?