(Black) Obama Linked To (Black) Rappers In B——, Hoe Scandal, Says Race-Blind Conservative Publication!
Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/08 05:19PM
Scandal alert: Barack Obama has been complicit with rappers since at least 2006! He has collaborated with their nefarious aims! It's all there in a sordid report from Human Events, which lays bare the undeniable ties between Obama and individuals who have released albums containing rap music at one time or another. He hasn't rebuked them or repudiated them or even renounced them! Not even "foul-mouthed rappers" like Will.I.Am! Not even when, throughout the rap industry, "folks talk so openly and regularly about b———, n——— and hoes"! Yo Evan Gahr of Human Events, can you please drop some knowledge on these muhfuckas?