
Luxurious Paper

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/08 04:09PM

Print is dead, but you know who's still reading just as much print as ever? The rich! They're also (85% of them) shopping at Home Depot, probably because they have homes. Which explains why you rent an apartment and read Gawker. [Ad Age]

Doree Shafrir · 06/27/07 09:55AM

Jack Shafer on Times Digest: "The shorter New York Times, set in the same fonts as the newspaper, is the perfect brief news read, provided you're 1) not near a computer and can't download the Times Reader; 2) unable to get the regular Times; 3) extraordinarily pressed for time; or 4) in a mood to make only one hand available for reading (such as when you're in the whirlpool)." [Slate]

Doree Shafrir · 06/18/07 11:10AM

'USA Today' and the 'Wall Street Journal' are both developing in-house glossy magazines. Is this what the success of T has wrought? [AdAge]