Texas Will Crush You For Hiring Illegal Aliens, Unless They're Maids
Jim Newell · 03/03/11 06:04PM
A bill that's been introduced in the Texas state legislature would finally, at long last, put an end to illegal aliens taking American jobs. If any of you Texans think you can get away with hiring an "unauthorized alien" on the cheap, this bill would make that punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Is that clear enough? No hiring of illegals! Although there is one small loophole in the bill: "Unauthorized alien" domestic workers, like maids, caretakers, lawnboys, and so on, would still be totally legal to hire.
PayPal Will Let You Give Money to Julian Assange
John Cook · 03/02/11 04:55PM
PayPal ditched Wikileaks last December because, the company falsely claimed, its "activities were deemed illegal in the United States." The whole thing caused something of a stir. But look! As the Atlantic Wire reports, you can now use PayPal to donate money to Julian Assange's legal defense fund, which is prominently advertised on Wikileaks' web site, and which Assange can use to fund "non-profit bodies which have freedom of speech or freedom of information as a principal aim." Hmmm—I know of one of those that could use some money.