
Only One 'Lost' Cast Member Knows How The Series Will End, And We'd Like To Buy Them A Drink

Molly Friedman · 05/19/08 06:45PM

For every high-pitched shriek of rage we let loose after making it through a new episode of Lost without a single Big Question answered, there’s a part of us that doesn’t want to know what’ s going on anyway. Sure, it’d be nice if the epic’s smarmy producers decided to shed some light on what the four-toed statue from season two was all about, gave us some clues about the Smoke Monster, or what Josh Holloway might look like as a member of the full-frontal nudity club, but maybe getting some answers would weaken our obsession. At least that’s how we felt before hearing today that a sole cast member knows for sure exactly how the series will end. And we have a feeling that between now and 2010, they might wind up “blurting it out” despite assurances.

Extremist Islamic Terrorists Hail Their New Queen, Sharon Stone

Molly Friedman · 02/20/08 01:24PM

After giving an anti-war interview to Middle Eastern newspaper Al Hayat, Sharon Stone is finally getting rave reviews. Sadly, they're not from the trades; they're from the terrorists. After visiting the region on a very Angelina Jolie-esque "fact-finding mission," Stone told the paper she feels "great pain" thinking about the war in Iraq, prompting extremist leaders like Muhammed Abel Al to get downright gushy with praise: "This lady is smelling and seeing the dangers for the future of America." It's not quite the same as getting a plucky pullquote from Jeffrey Lyons, but it'll do. However, it gets worse! Apparently, if we don't "follow" Stone's lead, the United States will be totally fucked.