
All the Warm Weather Celebrity Vacations You're Not on Right Now

Brian Moylan · 12/28/11 02:29PM

All of us working stiffs who have to report to the office on this slowest week of the year hate those people who are on vacation this week, right? And who could we hate more than celebrities, who are on vacation every damn day of the year? Well, here they are rubbing our noses in their beach vacations and lives of luxury. What assholes. Let's make fun of them, shall we?

Why Lindsay Quit the Club Scene—and Other Mysteries, Solved!

Maureen O'Connor · 04/26/10 08:52AM

It involves a violent Samantha Ronson confrontation. Sandra Bullock gets a mistress apology. Marc Jacobs breaks up with his boytoy. Bret Michael remains in the ICU. Mariah isn't preggers. Monday's gossip roundup has all the answers.

Who Wants to Be a Gay Housewife? There Are Plenty Who Don't

Brian Moylan · 01/12/10 02:55PM

Logo announced today that it picked up the "gay housewives" show Kept, to launch in October, but they're still looking for one more cast member. Maybe that's because some gay-listers have already turned it down. Like who?

Marc Jacobs May Now Be Married

cityfile · 01/05/10 11:15AM

Marc Jacobs and Lorenzo Martone were supposed to get married in Provincetown this past summer. They never ended up going through with it for whatever reason, although that may have changed over New Year's vacation. According to the fashion blog Styleexperts, the couple tied the knot in a private ceremony on St. Barts earlier this week, an event that was hosted by art dealer Larry Gagosian and which featured a cake topped with an edible Jacobs (sans shirt), Martone (dressed in a tux), and two of their dogs. [Styleexperts via GoaG]