
Somebody Fire This Guy, Seriously

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/10 11:40AM

Max Abelson has an exceedingly timely profile of Lucas van Praag (pictured), Goldman Sachs' PR chief—variously described as "debonair," "very Masterpiece Theater," "amazingly brilliant," and "arrogant, slightly pompous, flippant and condescending." Image projected: Haughty, rich asshole. Smart, Goldman. [NYO]

Lloyd Blankfein Has 3 Billion Reasons to Celebrate

cityfile · 07/14/09 11:24AM

The happiest man in New York today? That would be Lloyd Blankfein, the chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, which announced this morning that the bank reeled in a record $13.8 billion in revenue for the second quarter and generated profits of $3.44 billion. It's a big turnaround from a few months ago when the firm was holding out its hand for billions in bailout dollars, of course. But that's water under the bridge. And no one seems to be so sure how Goldman managed to do it. Blankfein attributed the big gains to "the combination of improving financial market conditions and a deep and diverse client franchise" in a news release today, whatever that means. But who cares how Goldman did it? The important thing is to go out and celebrate, right?

Stiller Buys on UWS

cityfile · 09/03/08 07:09AM
  • Ben Stiller has paid $10 million for a Riverside Drive co-op in the building that his parents, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara, live in. The seller was Ann Zabar. [NYO]