
'85 Broads' Founder Endorses Power Of Sisterhood

Emily Gould · 02/27/07 12:54PM

Catfight alert! Janet Hanson, the founder of Viswanathan-employing women's networking group 85 Broads, is incensed over an article by Financial Times columnist and author Lucy Kellaway. Kellaway, whose stock in trade is gently satirizing the more ridiculous aspects of corporate culture, had a bit of fun at the expense of groups like 85 Broads, quite reasonably pointing out that they're all about a "supportive we're-in-this-together atmosphere that is made less supportive both by being compulsory and by the competition that lurks not far beneath the surface." Hanson took it upon herself to totally disprove Kellaway's assertion that bitchiness lurks just beneath her group's cheery veneer by posting a vitriolic, CAPITALIZATION HEAVY rant on her blog about it, and by sending a mass email announcing that she'd done so. Meanwhile, some men somewhere had a meeting and all got raises.

Lucy Kellaway Gives SHREW a Whole New Meaning! [85 Broads]
Let's Stand On Our Own Feet, Not Other Women's Shoulders [FT]