
Immortals Is Like a Perfect Lover: Beautiful and Stupid

Brian Moylan · 11/11/11 01:37PM

We've all met them before, someone who is incredibly attractive, almost unbelievably so. It's like they were Photoshopped by nature. But then they start talking and you realize there is absolutely zero substance to them. Still, you keep talking to them, engaging with them, because it's just so damn pretty. That is exactly what watching Immortals is like.

Which Twilight Actor Is Ready to Come Out?

Brian Moylan · 11/10/11 11:20AM

This Twilight star wanted to come out on this year's press tour, but he's waiting for the final movie. This power couple is broken up but still living together. And there's a not-very-blind item about Luke Evans going back in the closet. Come on, guys, give us a challenge!

Hollywood's Next Big Action Star Is Gay

Brian Moylan · 08/08/11 03:38PM

Have you heard of action star Luke Evans? Maybe not yet, but he's in a bunch of big upcoming action movies. That means its time for his PR team to shove him back in the closet. But that's going to be pretty tough since he's already talked about his boyfriends and love of gay porn.