
Marisha Pessl Is More Than Just A (Possibly) Pretty Face

abalk2 · 11/15/06 02:40PM

Frankly, we find the whole debate as to the level of novelist Marisha Pessl's attractiveness to be more than a little sexist. It's as if we're saying that the only value a woman has is expressed in her looks. Well, there are plenty of other reasons to discuss Ms. Pessl. For instance: she has absolute shit taste in music. Take a look at this Onion What's On Your iPod feature: She's rocking Atlantic Starr, Linkin Park, and "Free Bird." We've snipped out the best part, though:

Marisha Pessl: The Mystery Deepens

abalk2 · 08/25/06 09:00AM

This late-breaking entry (read: we finally picked up a Voice) in the Marisha Pesll hotness debate has caused us to once again re-evaluate our assessment of Ms. Pessl's professional standing. Until further evidence we are downgrading her status to "Broadway hot," which, while a bit of a comedown from "TV hot," still offers the shot of re-promotion to "TV hot." Just ask Jane Krakowski. Any further evidence in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Remainders: The Pessl Effect

Jessica · 08/22/06 06:05PM

• Stemming from our examination of "book hot" and Marisha Pessl, it's literary Hot-or-Not. Let's just say that lighting makes a world of difference. [NY/NZ]
• Adrien Grenier insulates his pad with recycled denim. And all the crunchy hippy girls swoooon. [Newsweek via Brownstoner]
• Arabs love spring break cartoons! [New Yorkette]
• Saying that "Already Over" is already over is, in itself, already over. So get over it. [Flickr]
• Big changes at Saturday Night Live: now that Fey's gone, four more cast members are being cut. The real question: do we trust Seth Myers as sole head writer? [NYP]
• Breaking: Americans jerk off in hotel rooms. [AP]
• There was once a time when Leigh Lezark couldn't imagine doing anything but photography. Those days have passed; now she can't imagine doing anything but modeling balloon sleeves and drinking rosé with Cathy Horyn. [Hunter]

Marisha Pessl: An Apology

abalk2 · 08/21/06 02:30PM

A post earlier today about author Marisha Pessl suggested that she might only be "book hot." Having seen another photo and verified that it was not taken by Marion Ettinger, we have upgraded Ms. Pessl's condition to "TV hot." Clearly today's Times photo was unrepresentative; maybe everything looks better in black and white.